Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2868: Used him as a shield

So he has never eaten these things much.

Then he saw in the photo, the man's arm appeared, obviously the man's watch, carrying the meat into the pot.

After reading it, Zhuang Shihao felt suffocated in his heart. He pulled off his tie vigorously and breathed fresh air.

In the evening, when Zhuang Shihao sent Youyou to Fang Lan's side, Fang Lan also happened to go home and got out of Xu Guangrong's car at the parking lot.

Carrying the camera and other big bags, she said to Xu Guangrong: "Then I'm going home, you go back soon."

"I really don't need to send it up?" Xu Guangrong asked worriedly.

"It's not a kid anymore. You can't take anything like this." Fang Lan smiled, "You must be safe when you drive."

Xu Guangrong no longer reluctantly then watched her walk towards the elevator.

Zhuang Shihao's car also stopped downstairs just a moment ago, seeing her walking with Xu Guangrong.

In his heart, there was an inexplicable mist, and the mist of Yunshan spread, and it was uncomfortable.

Zhuang Shihao got out of the car holding Youyou and stopped Fang Lan: "Fang Lan."

Youyou was about to fall asleep, lying on Zhuang Shihao's shoulder, trying to wake up, squinting his eyes, too lazy not to open them.

When Fang Lan saw Youyou, she had a three-point smile on her face. She was about to reach out to pick it up. Only then did she remember that she was carrying a lot of things, and it was difficult to ask Zhuang Shihao to help send them up. This night, she said that she asked people Lou, what does it look like?

Zhuang Shihao saw her carrying large and small bags, and was about to reach out to take it, intending to bring things to her with Youyou.

Xu Glory strode over and said, "Fang Lan, let me take it for you. I still don't feel relieved."

Fang Lan thought Xu Yaorong was gone. When he saw him back, she breathed a sigh of relief for not knowing why. She was indeed afraid of staying with Zhuang Shihao for too long. This man felt a bit dangerous for her, so she couldn't be calm. .

Xu Rongyao separated them and gave her a buffer zone, so that Zhuang Shihao was not allowed to go upstairs, and if he was too close, it would not be too inconvenient to take Youyou and the things together.

"Xu Xuechang!" Fang Lan put all the things in his hands into his hands almost relieved, and reached out to take Youyou.

This action made Xu Rongyao smile knowingly, and made Zhuang Shihao's fingers stiff, but he had to let go of Youyou.

Fang Lan didn't want to have too much contact with Zhuang Shihao, so she hugged Youyou without saying goodbye, went straight to the elevator, and Xu Guangrong followed in.

Zhuang Shihao watched the elevator doors close in front of him, until Fang Lan's beautiful, evasive face disappeared where the elevator closed.

Fang Lan hugged Youyou without saying a word, still not suppressing the panic in her heart.

Xu Glory saw her expression and guessed something, but said nothing, just sent her up.

Fang Lan opened the door and saw Xu Yaorong standing aside, and said in a low voice, "I'm really sorry, Senior Xu, I'm sorry."

When these words were spoken, Xu Guangrong understood everything. She used him as a shield.

If it wasn't because she had Zhuang Shihao in her heart, why would she use him to block this? He dimmed his eyes a bit, lowered his head to organize his things, and said: "It's okay, anyway, I said I would come up to see you. I also promised Uncle Xu to take care of you more."

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