Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2877: Really doggy

After returning from the trip, the bus will send each family to the gate of the community.

Fang Lan also wondered if she wanted to report two addresses, when she heard Zhuang Shihao report her address without changing his face.

She is inconvenient and troublesome. It's getting late, there are so many people waiting to be sent off, and the bus is not a special car.

But when she got to the gate of the community, she still regretted it. Zhuang Shihao's things were not ordinary, and she really couldn't get it without a special car.

Aunt Zhang had come here long ago. After receiving Fang Lan's call, she came out to help take things. Seeing Zhuang Shihao, she didn't even have the slightest accident. She said hello to help take things and took Zhuang Shihao's together.

Zhuang Shihao didn't have an empty hand either, so he stepped forward and took his things.

Fang Lan embraced Youyou to keep up.

I was in a weird mood. I didn't want him to go upstairs, but he was still wearing his clothes. It was raining in the city. It was a bit cold. He insisted on letting her wear them. Moreover, most of these things were blessed.

As soon as I walked in, the ribs soup in the restaurant was scented, and Aunt Zhang prepared all the food.

It was the first time Zhuang Shihao came to this house. Fang Lan told him before that he was going to change a big house. When it was going to be renovated, he just listened indifferently and responded casually without participating in it at all.

Looking at the fine decorations in the house, he knew that Fang Lan had paid no less.

He thought, Fang Lan was indeed correct, and he was really a dog.

Aunt Zhang put down her things. She didn’t know that Zhuang Shihao was cheeky to follow. She thought that Fang Lan invited him to come, so she hurried to grab a pair of tableware and said with a smile: "Sir, madam, dinner is ready. , You can eat."

The corners of Zhuang Shihao's lips curled up with a smile to look at Fang Lan.

Fang Lan was unhappy and drove him away at this time, but she was very angry when she saw his smile. It was obviously Aunt Zhang who kept him for dinner. What did he do when he smiled like that?

Fang Lan said heavily to Aunt Zhang: "Aunt Zhang, Zhuang always comes as a guest occasionally. You are also very kind to him, and you will leave him for dinner."

Aunt Zhang was a little embarrassed for a while. It turned out that Fang Lan didn't invite him to come up. She didn't know whether to put down or take away the chopsticks.

Fang Lan just wanted to let Zhuang Shihao know that it was not her own intention to keep him for dinner, it was Aunt Zhang's own opinion.

Seeing Aunt Zhang embarrassed, she couldn't bear it. Aunt Zhang did her best to Youyou and the family. Although she was paid, she did a very good job.

She smiled and relieved Aunt Zhang and said, "He is the one who pays, and it is okay to leave him for a meal."

Aunt Zhang relaxed now, put down the dishes and chopsticks hurriedly, and said, "Then I will go first.

Fang Lan had a tasteless meal. The dog man was in a good mood. He was eating and chatting with Youyou, which made Fang Lan very frustrated.

But she couldn't say anything about Youyou, she had to respond to Youyou's topic with a smile.

When Zhuang Shihao left, she couldn't wait to find Bai Jingru to complain.

Before Zhuang Shihao got out of the elevator, Fang Lan's complaints came from the trumpet.

Although he was vomiting excessively and meant not welcoming him, Zhuang Shihao looked at him and felt very relaxed. It was probably Fang Lan's look. It was really cute. She didn't know where there were so many emoticons. While vomiting, he sent me an emoticon, looking at Coke.

Zhuang Shihao chatted with her one after another, and told her that he was a dog man.

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