Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2879: Licking the dog, licking to the last nothing

Turning to WeChat again, WeChat is similar to SMS, almost all of her posts are one-sided.

Oh my!

Fang Lan simply didn't want to meet people anymore, and didn't expect that she would still lick a dog like this.

Really licking the dog, licking the dog, licking nothing at the end!

Just looking at these chat records, her lungs were going to explode, and she didn't know how she could endure it before.

Very good, go to death the dog man!

Fang Lan was so angry that he didn't contact Zhuang Shihao to pick up the luggage, and took Youyou to Dr. Fang for dinner.

Seeing her puffed up, Doctor Fang asked, "What's the matter? Unhappy traveling?"

"How can I be happy and travel with people I don't like." Fang Lan bowed his head and grilled rice.

"If you're not happy, you won't touch it, and you won't be upset if you don't see," said Doctor Fang.

Fang Lan nodded and continued to grill rice.

Doctor Fang laughed: "What are you struggling with?"

"Nothing tangled up."

"Still talking." Doctor Fang knocked on her rice bowl, and Fang Lan reacted. She did her best to pick up the rice. There was no food at all, and the bowl of rice was about to be finished.

Doctor Fang sighed in his heart. This time he couldn't escape, but he couldn't escape the second time. Isn't it the same as when he liked the stinky boy Zhuang Shihao last time?

People's preferences are so fixed, is it so difficult to change the taste?

Fang Lan had a tasteless meal. After returning home at night, she looked at her old mobile phone and poured cold water on herself again.

After reading all the content, I know how I fell in love with him in the first place. Isn't it just to help my father take care of the sick, and I am fascinated by his beauty?

He was not the only good-looking man. Fang Lan thought that he had also watched the handsome man grow up since he was a child, so why did he fall into the pit of Zhuang Shihao.

She didn't splash the cold water, but became more and more upset.

Zhuang Shihao sent her WeChat with a vest: [Did you see a dog man today? ]

Fang Lan bulged: [I didn't see it, I don't want to see it. I took a look at my old phone just now, and I saw that I was really angry. Why didn't I blow up his dog's head early and let him go and relax? Jingru, do you think I am blind and blind, looking for a man in the trash? ]

Feeling a faint pain in his head, Zhuang Shihao glanced at the trash can next to him, and subconsciously stood a little further away from the trash can.

Fang Lan: [I'm really angry, angry with myself, how can I ruin myself on a dog man? ]

She is even more angry that she is always thinking of this man now, and she is so upset and irritable, can that man stop, don't show up in her mind?

Zhuang Shihao remembered Assistant Zhang's words and wrote: [Then don't mention him, just talk about others. ]

other people? Fang Lan really has nothing to say recently.

She wrote: [Then tell me about you, how are your studies done? When will we come back, let's play together. ]

Zhuang Shihao lit a cigarette and fluttered his fingers on the screen.

He calmly said some funny things, and Fang Lan sent back several smiley emojis one after another.

Feeling Fang Lan's mood gradually improved, Zhuang Shihao put out the cigarette, however, did not smoke a bite.

Quit is quit, even when the heart is really upset occasionally, I still rely on this to calm my mind.

Fang Lan: [Thank you, I feel much better after chatting with you. By the way, to tell you one thing, I am coming to Europe soon, and I am going to stay for two months. ]

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