Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2882: Sugar-coated cannonball

Seeing that today’s meal was made for the sake of Mother Zhuang’s face, Zhuang Shihao put away his mobile phone.

Fang Lan didn't get Bai Jingru's response, so she didn't make complaints anymore, only secretly complaining in the bottom of her heart.

After a while, these dishes will be served.

The thick oil red sauce was full of dishes, and there were only two or three light dishes in front of Youyou.

Fang Lan ignored Zhuang Shihao, picked up the chopsticks, and greeted Mother Zhuang before feasting.

Zhuang's mother and Youyou were sitting close, Fang Lan greeted her to eat with Youyou, and asked her if she wanted to add food.

Mother Zhuang smiled and shook her head: "Enough is enough, no need."

Zhuang Shihao picked up the chopsticks and stretched it into the double pepper fish head.

The taste of chopped pepper and pickled pepper is very strong. He has never been used to eating. After taking two mouthfuls, his eyebrows frowned. He clenched a fist with one hand and coughed lightly on his mouth, and took a sip without moving his teacup.

Fang Lan doesn't care about him. The menu is right beside him. He can't get used to eating and can just order other dishes. Who wants to watch his cooking?

After a while, the snail noodles were also delivered. The dining table in the private room was filled with a strong smell. Fang Lan took a sip, and the smell made her drool a little.

Youyou was accustomed to Fang Lan eating this because he was by Fang Lan's side, but there was no response.

Mother Zhuang smiled and said nothing.

Zhuang Shihao is indeed a little uncomfortable. He always pays attention to food, and the people in his position, whether they go out to eat or socialize, there are few people who do not care about his taste and order randomly.

In addition to the hot sausages and hot and sour chicken feet on the table, it is even more unbearable for some people to mix the flavors together.

Seeing him frowning, Fang Lan smiled and said, "Hey, President Zhuang doesn't seem to eat these? Why don't you order the dishes again and go to another private room to eat."

Zhuang Shihao put up with it and said, "Who said I won't eat it?"

He picked up the chopsticks, ate a few pieces of fish head again, and clamped the fatty intestines.

These dishes, not only the taste that made him unacceptable, but also the form and source of these dishes made him feel confused.

Can heads, intestines, claws, etc. really be made into dishes?

In his opinion, these chili sauces were put in to cover up the fishy smell of these ingredients.

Seeing him frowning and eating, and not knowing whether he was chewing or not, Fang Lan squinted and laughed. She glanced at the mother Zhuang who was still on the scene. She didn't dare to laugh too much, so she had to hold the bowl and lower her head to laugh while eating. thing.

After a meal, Zhuang Shihao drank dozens of cups of tea.

Fang Lan thought he hadn't seen it, so who asked him to find abuse?

After eating, Youyou will spend a day with Zhuang Shihao because it is the weekend.

Fang Lan could only reluctantly hand over the child to him.

She went back to her residence alone, but Youyou was not there, and she also has many hobbies to pass the time.

I just turned on the computer to read a play, knocking on the door.

After opening the door, it was Assistant Zhang who was coming.

"Assistant Zhang is looking for something to do with me?" Fang Lan held the doorknob, his eyes were full of precautions, and he didn't mean to open the door to invite someone in.

Assistant Zhang said with a smile: "It is Mr. Zhuang who asked me to bring things over, please accept it."

give something? When will he give himself something? What sugar-coated cannonball is that?

"Oh, that's no need, you take it back, I don't want it." Fang Lan refused altogether, she lacked anything.

There is no shortage of gifts from Zhuang Shihao.

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