Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2892: Relieved laughter

Zhuang Shihao's itinerary gradually moved closer to Fang Lan. Shihao Group's business in Europe is very convenient.

He made a tour of the branches in major cities, and there were many overlaps with her itinerary.

On this day, he was only tens of kilometers away from the location of the trumpet sent to him by Fang Lan.

But he couldn't go directly, otherwise he would not be far away from the trumpet that exposed himself.

Probably it was inconvenient to bring Youyou. When Fang Lan chatted with him today, it was basically voice. Zhuang Shihao naturally typed and couldn't reveal his situation.

Her voice became clearer and smoother, with a lot of laughter, Zhuang Shihao listened to it over and over again.

Immediately afterwards, she sent another one: [The stream here is nice, very clear, flowing down from the top of the mountain, oops...]

In the voice, she didn't finish her words, there was an exclamation, and then there was no sound at all.

Zhuang Shihao quickly returned to her and asked her what's wrong?

However, there was no more news from Fang Lan.

Zhuang Shihao picked up his clothes and walked outside, directly locked in Fang Lan's position for himself, drove there, and called the police.

He hurried to the predetermined location in an anxious manner, panicking, biting the tip of his tongue with his teeth, forcing himself to calm down.

The distance of tens of kilometers is actually not far, but because of the mountain roads, it can't drive fast.

When she was a child, Zhuang Shihao's car arrived at the location she located.

But there was no one at all.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Fang Lan's number, but no one answered.

No one listened anymore.

Zhuang Shihao's eyes were red, and he restrained the slight shaking, and called Assistant Zhang: "I want information about all the hotels and hospitals in the city where I am now to check if there is any situation with Fang Lan."

Assistant Zhang didn't dare to neglect, so he checked immediately.

However, Zhuang Shihao called the police again, and the police said they did not find Fang Lan and did not receive a similar police intelligence case.

The sky was getting dark, Zhuang Shihao held a flashlight, centered on the location, and searched around. There were no residents living in these surroundings, and there were very few people.

In the quiet mountain forest, there was no human voice at all, only the sound of his footsteps and the light and shadow of the flashlight shaking.

After a while, Assistant Zhang called: "There is a hotel where the person who is staying in is called Fang Zong's name. The person has already moved in, and I have given you the address with the child. But I am not sure it must be her, I Still continue to investigate."

Zhuang Shihao's heart was squeezed. For a long time, his mobile phone jingled. Someone added him on the trumpet. The verification message was: "I am Fang Lan, everything is fine, don't read it."

When Fang Lan was on a voice call, her steps slipped, the phone slipped and fell into the stream, and her foot twisted a bit, so she didn’t continue to reply, but when she returned to the hotel, she used the assistant’s phone to add Bai Jingru’s number was reported to be safe, so as not to worry about the other party.

When Zhuang Shihao received this article, he immediately passed the verification and asked his assistant Fang Lan whether it was okay.

The assistant told him the situation and said that everything was okay.

Zhuang Shihao relaxed all of a sudden and let out a laugh. The mountains and forests were full of his relieved laughter.

After he went out of the forest, he went straight to the hotel where Assistant Zhang found and asked Fang Lan to take the child. Ninety-nine percent of him was the hotel where Fang Lan stayed.

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