Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2895: Doctor unselfish

The person she cares about most, except for her son, is her father.

But for a few years of marriage, she was most sorry for the two of them.

I have never repaid my father's guilt.

Zhuang Shihao went to accompany her father, which made her feel a little complicated.

"Just you?" Fang Lan asked back, not knowing whether he was questioning his technique or whether he really went.

"If you don't believe me, try it." Zhuang Shihao began to roll up his sleeves, revealing his strong forearms.

His clothes had been hung messy by branches, but his movements were still elegant.

When leaning over, Fang Lan felt a surge of heat.

After all, I have been a couple for four years. The memory can disappear, but the physical feeling is difficult. She instinctively shrank, stepped back, and swallowed her saliva: "I'll rub it myself."

"Doctors don't heal themselves, have you ever heard of it?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

How could Fang Lan have not heard of it? She hesitated for a while, remembering that there was still so much to do next, closed her eyes, and stretched out her feet to him, "Then you hurry up."

Anyway, Youyou are here, and she is not afraid of what he is doing.

He used to be an improper person, and now he should be rubbing his feet, just treat him as a massage technician.

Zhuang Shihao took the medicine and rubbed her feet with a simple action. He himself was flustered for a moment. Fortunately, Fang Lan was talking to Youyou and didn't notice his uncomfortableness.

In fact, Fang Lan talked to Youyou to hide his uncomfortableness.

She is indeed not used to it.

After all, he is not a real massage technician.

Zhuang Shihao finished pressing it quickly, and the technique was not bad, Fang Lan believed what he had just said.

"Well, I will apply ice twice tomorrow. After 24 hours of hot compress, I will be fine soon." Zhuang Shihao said.

Fang Lan narrowed her mouth, saying that she didn't know the same.

She said, "Bring the door when you go out."

I didn't bother to ask him where he lives anymore. With such a capability, would he still be unable to find a hotel?

Of course, there is no need to thank him, anyway, he wanted to come.

"I live in the hotel opposite." Zhuang Shihao still informed.

Fang Lan turned her head awkwardly, too lazy to look at him.

Zhuang Shihao leaned over and Fang Lan stepped back a bit. He did intend to kiss her, and such an impulse became more and more unconcealable.

Her resistance made him a little more sober, knowing that she still misunderstands herself.

He leaned over and kissed Youyou's little face.

Youyou giggled.

Fang Lan thought he was going to kiss herself. Seeing him kiss Youyou, her heart became a little more comfortable and uncomfortable.

"Come on, Youyou." Zhuang Shihao reached out and picked up Youyou.

Fang Lan just remembered that she had said that she would leave Youyou to take care of him.

Fortunately, Youyou has always been used to his parents not living in the same room, so now they live separately, Youyou is not particularly surprised.

"Those from a foreign country, be optimistic about your children. Don't worry about chatting with people all the time and losing your children." Fang Lan exhorted.

Zhuang Shihao thought of seeing her chattering with anger, and felt a little relieved. Is she eating?

He curled his lips: "Youyou, goodbye to Mommy."

"Bye bye Youyou." Fang Lan said with a smile.

"Then I'm leaving." Zhuang Shihao finished speaking, walked out, and took the door of the hotel room.

Fang Lan squatted and lay down on the bed.

However, Zhuang Shihao was really helpful here this time, and she was still not at ease when she handed Youyou to the assistant and guide.

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