Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2897: The man is reliable, the sow will go up the tree

The content in her old phone, please rescue it to see if it can be restored.

When the accident happened yesterday, she couldn't let her guide and assistant go to find her mobile phone in the dangerous water, so she could only hire someone.

"Then I'll go out and ask later." The assistant said.

Fang Lan finished the arrangement and sat down to drink coffee, thinking about things, just thinking about it, Youyou ran over.

"Mommy!" Youyou hugged her leg, wanting to hug.

Fang Lan hugged Youyou and looked at the man, who was walking from a distance. Youyou ran fast and got there first.

"Have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat something?"

Youyou had already eaten it. Seeing that there was a cake in front of Fang Lan, she yelled for a small cake.

Fang Lan picked two for him, and Zhuang Shihao had already walked over.

The assistant came back and greeted with a smile: "Hello brother-in-law, good luck."

"Hello." Zhuang Shihao nodded.

Fang Lan's slumped mouth is polite.

"Sister Lan, I asked, no one was willing to go, they thought it was far away, and it was not safe to go to the stream. I gave it 300 euros, and no one was willing to go."

Fang Lan knows that the people here have high welfare, good treatment, easy work, low consumption, and everyone's material desires are not very strong. It is indeed not easy for them to spend a whole day of leisure time to help.

Like that local tour guide, after working for two days, he had already said that he would take a break today and would not work continuously.

She thought for a while and said, "Then I will feel better in two days and go by myself."

I hope that the memory card in the phone can withstand two days of flooding.

And her mobile phone is waterproof, I hope it can last a little longer.

"By the way, buy me a mobile phone and a local card first. I'll hold it for a while."

The assistant went, and Zhuang Shihao sat aside and didn't say anything.

Fang Lan was inconvenient, and said to Zhuang Shihao: "Are you free during the day?"

"Ask me?" Zhuang Shihao laughed. After the events of last night, his mood relaxed a lot, and his tone was not the same as before.

"I mean, if you are busy, I will take Youyou to play in the hotel room. If you are free, you can accompany Youyou for a day." Fang Lan rolled his eyes at him. Who would let you meet him anyway? He has to do his father's responsibilities.

Zhuang Shihao smiled and frowned in embarrassment: "I am on a business trip..."

"Forget it, Yoyo follow me."

"Good." Zhuang Shihao nodded.

Fang Lan sighed softly, it didn't matter, she hadn't counted on him anyway, what's more, if he didn't happen to be here, she still had to take care of Youyou.

I finally realized that I used to bear the burden of humiliation in the marriage. The man can be trusted and the sow can climb the tree.

Fortunately, those memories have been forgotten, otherwise it would be enough to think about it.

"Then you go." Fang Lan no longer wants to see him.

A useless man, no matter how good he looked, it was useless, and she blocked her breath again.

"I'll take you upstairs first." Zhuang Shihao said abruptly.

Fang Lan just complained in his heart that he was useless, but he suddenly became useful again, which made her a little uncomfortable, and her face was hot.

Zhuang Shihao reached out and fished her up.

"Hey!" Fang Lan suddenly jumped into the air and screamed in fright.

Besides, she is still holding Youyou in her hands. What should I do if the child breaks?

Everyone looked sideways when they heard her screaming.

Fang Lan was also particularly embarrassed.

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