Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2910: can you fetch me?

Fang Lan sent the edited manuscript and photos to the magazine.

At the same time, I received payment for the previous manuscripts.

In addition, the remuneration for the lyrics some time ago has also been paid, and the other party also urged her to cooperate more.

The magazine also asked her if she had plans for a fall trip. If there is a manuscript, they can accept it.

Fang Lan didn't give others the right words, just said that they would consider it, and the other party also responded politely, hoping that she can contact them as soon as she has news.

Looking at the numbers on the bank card, a faint smile appeared on her face. It is really happy to do what she likes and still make money.

Directly sent a few big red envelopes to Doctor Fang and Su Mu. Although she knew that they were not short of money, she sent it to her heart.

Doctor Fang and Su Mu cheerfully accepted it.

The magazine arranged an event and invited her to join a few colleagues and have dinner together.

Fang Lan agreed.

The other party has always been very sincere, and recommended several self-media for her manuscripts, so that her income will become three or four copies, and she has to give the other party this face.

What's more, since you are a colleague, you naturally have the same topic, and it's not a bad thing to touch it.

Fang Lan passed by this afternoon.

This event has benefited quite a lot. Everyone exchanged a lot of interesting industry stories and experiences, and talked a lot about their own journeys, and they kept chatting on the topic.

Because they had a good chat, Fang Lan drank some wine with them during dinner in the evening.

It's just one cup. It tastes sweet. Fang Lan usually drinks very moderately. If it hadn't tasted really good, she wouldn't have drunk all of the cup.

After I drank it, I heard someone say that it was a kind of spirit, and the juice was mixed in, so it tasted delicious.

Fang Lan didn't dare to drink anymore, and went out after eating with everyone for a while.

Who knows that after going out, there will be some upside and dim thoughts.

The companion took the car out and asked if she wanted to take her for a ride.

Fang Lan declined: "You go first, I have to wait for a friend."

After the people said hello, those who took taxis, and those who called on behalf of the driver called on behalf of the driver, they left.

When Fang Lan walked toward her car, her footsteps became a little unstable.

She drove her father's car today. After getting in the car, she tried to find mineral water but couldn't find it.

The stamina of the wine was too great, she was already fascinated at the moment, and she reached out and ordered the driver.

After waiting for a long time for Zidai to drive, she took out her mobile phone and squinted her eyes for a while, only to find that the other party had called several times, and the order had been cancelled at this time.

It seemed that she didn't answer the phone when someone came on her behalf.

Moreover, when she placed the order, she defaulted to her own car's rear number. Now she is driving Doctor Fang's car, and she has not found anyone on her behalf.

Ashamed, ashamed, Fang Lan felt very sorry for someone driving on his behalf, so he reached out and dialed the phone, no matter how much he had to apologize to others, it made others run in vain.

She dialed the phone.

"Hey, I'm sorry just now..." Fang Lan's voice was a little unconscious.

Zhuang Shihao did not expect that she would take the initiative to call herself, which is really rare.

He immediately picked it up, and Fang Lan's dizzy voice came.

He frowned slightly, and Fang Lan was still saying, "I'm sorry for making you run for nothing. I, I didn't mean to miss your call. Well, I can place another order. Will you come to pick me up?"

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