Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2912: What a mistake

A couple of more than four years, more than a thousand days and nights, he is already familiar with this place.

Here, once he could get what he wanted most every time, to satisfy a man's greatest pride.

Almost, he personally smashed these and lost everything.

The scent of wine on Fang Lan's body was accompanied by the fragrance of the master bedroom, stimulating his throat to glide heavily.

He put down Lan Lan, went to the bathroom, took a wet towel to wipe the sweat off her body.

The incomparable trials and sufferings are finally over.

He got up to get warm water and gave Fang Lan a drink.

She was quite obedient, and drank several guts obediently.

After drinking, he turned his back to him.

Zhuang Shihao put down the water cup and turned off the light.

In an instant, darkness invaded the room, and there was no light in the entire room.

The senses and hearing became particularly keen, and Fang Lan's turning over was clearly audible, and her breathing sounded like it was in her ears.

Zhuang Shihao walked towards her step by step.

That was what he wanted most, and now, he doesn't want to lose it.

The word master bedroom has been circling and stirring in his heart for many days, and those who have not been resolved are accumulated in his heart and body.

Holding up Fang Lan's face, he kissed it accurately, as he had done countless times.

Just like what I have wanted to do countless times.

Fang Lan was drunk, but she was not really drunk, because she didn't feel the danger, so her body relaxed instinctively, but once she noticed the danger nearby, she woke up from the drunkenness.

With the few mouthfuls of warm water just now, the effect of sobering wine is quite big.

So next, countless fists rained on Zhuang Shihao's body.

This is a real fight!

Fang Lan didn't show any mercy in her hand. She has been very vigorous after exercising recently, and coupled with the arm strength she has exercised with Youyou for a long time, she literally drops punch after punch.

Zhuang Shihao didn't evade, let alone fight back, so he just responded.

When she was tired, she turned over and sat up, and turned on the light with a pop—muscle memory was more accurate than brain memory, and she perfectly remembered the position of the bedroom light.

The light turned on, dispelling the darkness in the room, and she and Zhuang Shihao stared at each other.

She stepped back on the bed in surprise, her voice hoarse after drinking: "Why are you?"

Zhuang Shihao: "..."

Fang Lan stood up and got up, grabbing him and pushing it out the door: "Zhuang Shihao, you pig! A strong x in marriage is also a strong x! No, it's a strong x after a divorce! It seems that I don't want you For the sake of a criminal father, I won't call the police anymore, you go quickly!"

With a snap.

The door of the master bedroom was closed in front of Zhuang Shihao.

With a click, the inside was locked.

Zhuang Shihao touched the scar on her face. He didn't know if she should be grateful for her ability to protect herself, or if she should be annoyed that she was a little hasty.

Anyway, the man stayed up all night and got up and took several baths.

After Fang Lan drove the people away, she fell asleep after putting on the quilt.

The quilt is her own taste, and the room is her own taste. There is no reason why she can't sleep.

When she woke up the next day, her mind was messy, a little painful, and her throat was dry.

Then I remembered that this was the result of the hangover.

Think of the sweet fruit wine again.

What a mistake.

She sat up and realized that this was not where she lived.

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