Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 292: Your friend, I will also be a friend

She was afraid that Ye Shu really had an accident.

For a moment, Shen Jingyu hung up the phone and said, "It's okay, but your friend just fell, his phone broke and his ankle twisted. Fortunately, He Yiming followed her. There is no major problem."

"That's good." He Ning let out a long sigh of relief, "I'm afraid He Yiming will target her..."

Shen Jingyu patted her shoulder: "He Yiming is not that kind of person."

"It turns out that your evaluation of him is quite high. I originally thought the relationship between the two of you... is not too good."

Shen Jingyu's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "I grew up with him. He is just one year older than me."

"He is like me, every time he gets promoted, he is exchanged with his own blood and tears."

He Ning thought for a while: "So in fact, your relationship is pretty good?"

"Not bad." Shen Jingyu groaned for a moment, then said.

Except for Shanshan's divergence, at other times, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is like brother.

It's just that He Yiming's obsession is too heavy in the matter of Shanshan.

"My mother and his mother were originally best friends. He and Shen's family are also family friends."

"He will definitely handle the interview with the team this time."

"Oh." He Ning nodded slightly. In that case, it means that He Yiming is not bad.

Then she didn't need to worry too much about Ye Shu.

He Ning smiled, and his eyes curled slightly: "Then even if he doesn't like me, I won't be hostile to him. Your friend, I will also be a friend."

With a smile on her face, she suddenly pierced the softness in Shen Jingyu's heart.

If it weren't for He Peishan's inclusion, He Ning wouldn't want to look at He Yiming's wink.

He tried his best to protect her, but he could never change He Yiming's thoughts.

However, are He Yiming's ideas important?


No one can stop him from doing things!

"By the way, you haven't eaten yet, right? I let Aunt Chen prepare." He Ning said hurriedly.

I was busy with Ye Shu just now, and I forgot to ask him.

He Ning had just finished talking with Aunt Chen, and she turned around and was pulled into her arms by Shen Jingyu.

His chin rested on her head, and there was a slight sweat on her body.

But it was not unpleasant, on the contrary, it was very comfortable, full of the masculine taste of him.

He Ning has long been accustomed to the smell, and when lying in his arms, he feels particularly safe.

Aunt Chen brought the food, and Shen Jingyu took a bite on He Ning's lips before sitting down and taking a big bite.

He Ning held his cheeks and watched him eating seriously.

This kind of peace and tranquility is rare, and it seems that there is no better moment than this.

Shen Jingyu took a few bites and touched the corners of her smiling eyebrows.

He asked: "Happy?"

"Because you are back." He Ning smiled shyly.

Shen Jingyu's expression stretched, and the coldness on her face was broken by He Feng Jiyue.

"Also, today, Doctor Gu gave me medicine, and he said that I will get better soon." He Ning's eyebrows were crooked.

Shen Jingyu's chopsticks paused.

Immediately his smile reached the bottom of the narrow phoenix eyes: "Yeah."

He put down his chopsticks, stretched out his well-knotted palm, and landed on her sharp chin.

There were some calluses on his slender fingers, and they ran across her tender skin.

Seeing his eyes focused on his face, He Ning thought he was a cleansing addict.

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