Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2921: Treat him as air

The man was walking out face-to-face, Fang Lan was caught off guard, and the smile on his face froze. He hasn't left yet?

"You didn't drink much of the black-bone chicken soup last night. I made the noodles in the morning. You like to eat green vegetables, so I added a few more to you." Zhuang Shihao held the noodles and put them on the table.

Fang Lan sat down silently, picked up and took a bite.

The black-bone chicken soup is very fragrant, and the noodles underneath are naturally smooth and delicious. Her eyes light up a bit. She is very good at cooking herself, and she is keen on cooking, but someone cooks and still enjoys this kind of meal very much. Come to life with open mouth.

Yes, why should he be cheap, enjoy the comfort of peace of mind, and don't pay anyway.

Fang Lan has decided that from now on, her life will realize the Three No Principles. She will not take the initiative, refuse, or be responsible.

Just like he did before.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her lips, Zhuang Shihao also sat down, seeing her smile, he also curled his lips.

There was also a bowl of noodles in front of him, because he had been watching Fang Lan's eating seriously, he hadn't started yet.

Fang Lan handed the bowl over: "I want more."

"Yeah." Zhuang Shihao half-folded his face to her.

"not enough."

Zhuang Shihao didn't say anything, he gave it all to her, and then kept staring at her to eat.

Fang Lan's appetite is not very big. In fact, he just ate a bowl and it was almost enough. Asking Zhuang Shihao for it, she simply didn't want him to eat it well.

At this moment he gave her a whole bowl, piled in her bowl, she was a little unable to eat, no matter how delicious and delicious, adding to her mouth after eating, it would be tortured.

Therefore, Fang Lan could only pick it up one by one and deliver it to her mouth, and it was a bit difficult to eat.

"Is it enough?" Zhuang Shihao asked, "I will cook a little more for you if it is not enough."

"It's okay." Fang Lan was in his line of sight and had to continue eating, but it was really hard to eat.

With a slight smile, Zhuang Shihao seemed to see her through and looked at her like this with his arms folded.

At the end, Fang Lan pushed the bowl and said, "I'm full. No more!"

Zhuang Shihao dragged her bowl, directly picked up the chopsticks she had used, and ate the noodles.

Fang Lan stared blankly, he really didn't dislike it.

Where is the former Zhuang Shihao?

In Fang Lan's sight, Zhuang Shihao quickly finished eating the noodles and put the bowl in.

There was the sound of water and the clash of dishes in the kitchen.

It seems that he washed the bowl casually.

When Fang Lan saw him coming out, her sleeves were rolled up, her forearms were exposed, and she smiled and said, "The cleaner, Zhuang, did a good job."

"Thank you." Zhuang Shihao agreed, and then answered a phone call, "Then I'll go to work first. See you tonight."

See you tonight? Who made an appointment to meet him at night?

Fang Lan wanted to complain about him. He was talking on the phone. She had to give up. After Zhuang Shihao left, she looked around the house. There was no sign of movement in Youyou’s room and the beds in the two guest rooms. He probably Dealt it all night in the living room?

But how did he leave his shirt so neat when he left?

In the next few days, Zhuang Shihao came to work frequently. Sometimes he came to accompany Fang Lan to dinner, sometimes he came back to socialize, just came to sit for a while, and sometimes stayed overnight, even if Fang Lan was locked outside the main bedroom door. do not mind.

Fang Lan sometimes ignores him at all, and where he is, Fang Lan only regards him as air.

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