Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2923: That's not necessary

"Do you like Su Mi's song?"

"No, I just like the lyrics. I've heard most of the lyrics by the author. He is very talented."

Fang Lan: "..."

Okay, she admitted that she was so pleased, who was not pleased? Fang Lan's mood became much better, humming gently to the beat.

Zhuang Shihao had to keep an inch: "Let’s have dinner together tonight, and celebrate the beginning of school for Youyou."

"Okay." Fang Lan was in a good mood and agreed without hesitation.

Zhuang Shihao's lips curled up.

Zhuang Shihao was in a good mood all day, and when Assistant Zhang reported to him, he also kept this mood.

"How has the company's publicity work progressed recently?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

"Everything is going well, and the propaganda department of the image spokesperson has also been set up, and the commercials will be filmed soon." Assistant Zhang said.

Zhuang Shihao nodded: "Let them do a good job of control. In addition, don't use inferior artists. Even if the reputation is not enough, don't have bad morals."


His job is macro-control, so he will only ask to this point. As for who the spokesperson is, he will not explicitly ask.

"By the way, I will book a private room for three persons at night, and I will order the menu for myself." Zhuang Shihao ordered.

Later, he opened Fang Lan's circle of friends and Weibo.

She seems to be in a good mood today, showing Youyou's new uniform and her own account book.

On Weibo, she posted a lot of travel diaries and photos.

He didn't know much about her before, but now he knows what is in her heart.

Those photos can be regarded as professional. The magnificent mountains and rivers are difficult to record with photos, but in her photos, everything is in sight.

She has millions of fans now, which is comparable to a little star. Under each photo, except for people who blow rainbow farts, there are a lot of people asking her if she has a boyfriend or whether she is married. leave a message.

She rarely posts personal things on Weibo, most of which are all kinds of photos.

So it is inevitable that some people will ask like this.

Zhuang Shihao knew that he was still far from being upright, and there was a lot of work to be done.

However, after reading the photos, my mental state recovered and I immediately started to work.

Knowing to have dinner together at night, Youyou was very happy.

Along the way, I was talking about things and talking about things, and also said that there was a new lady who looked good in class, and her eyes were shining brightly.

Fang Lan entered the private room, sat down with Youyou, Zhuang Shihao parked the car and went upstairs, and the atmosphere was filled with unspeakable warmth as a family of three sat together.

Youyou is so cute that even the waiter who came in to serve the dishes couldn't help but praise, and then looked at Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan enviously.

After seeing the looks of Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan, he looked down at Youyou again, and he knew why Youyou looked so cute.

The dishes are here, there are chopped pepper fish head, spicy beef, Maoxuewang and other dishes. Only Youyou have light dishes in front of you.

Fang Lan raised an eyebrow: "Does Zhuang always want people to come to the hospital to serve?"

I knew I couldn't eat spicy food and ordered such spicy dishes.

"That's not necessary." Zhuang Shihao picked up the chopsticks and calmly picked up the vegetables, the noodles didn't change color.

Since he wanted to eat, Fang Lan didn't stop him. Seeing how long he would be able to succeed in a while without changing his face.

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