Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2930: obedient

From the time he recognized that the person he really liked was Fang Lan, everything he had had before had been put down - and when he recognized that point, it was already a few months ago.

What's more... The things Qiao Wanyi did are not so commendable.

Therefore, to get together and to disperse, Zhuang Shihao regards her as an ordinary partner.

"Shihao..." Qiao Wanyi's voice was choked up, and she looked at Zhuang Shihao seriously with her pitiful set of Dafa.

Zhuang Shihao raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and said, "Sorry, I still have something to do. I'm not with you."

After speaking, he crossed Qiao Wanyi and strode towards the door.

"Shihao!" Qiao Wanyi shouted silently.

Zhuang Shihao never looked back.

In fact, he and she should have been finished as early as the moment he was injured and she evaded and left.

It's just that he didn't believe Fang Lan's words at all, thinking that it was just Fang Lan's slander against Qiao Wanyi out of thin air, so that this relationship was bumped for a long time and hurt Fang Lan.

Thinking of Fang Lan, Zhuang Shihao's heart was full of emotions. He sent Fang Lan a WeChat message: [I will pick up my son and have dinner together. ]

Fang Lan replied: [Then you decide. ]

Zhuang Shihao: [Well, good. ]

Fang Lan coughed lightly after receiving the message, and was overwhelmed by the word, and a blush quickly flew up on her face.

What is this?

Did this man eat honey?

Qiao Wanyi really did not expect that Zhuang Shihao would be so unfeeling. He was obviously divorced. The position of Mrs. Zhuang was reserved for her!

She remembered that when she knew that he was the young master of the dealer, she had spent so much effort and spent more than half a year in front of him, and won his righteous look.

But not long after being together, her identity was checked by Zhuang's father and Zhuang's mother, because her mother was a prostitute whose father was unknown, and the dealer regarded her as a scourge.

She admitted that when she approached him, she was not so upright, but she really had enough hard days and didn't want to continue. She wanted a bright and beautiful identity, and she really liked him!

Who doesn't like a young talent who is handsome, personable, and family-oriented?

Fang Lan is all to blame. If she didn't show up and snatched Zhuang Shihao, all of this should have belonged to her!

When Qiao Wanyi was crying, she felt the click of a camera around her, and she knew what it was.

She has also recently emerged in China, and she has become famous. It is normal to be photographed. Moreover, she has not blocked her whereabouts as the agent said.

Her overly gorgeous dress and beautiful appearance are also very eye-catching.

Thinking of this, Qiao Wanyi wiped away her tears and let those people take pictures without stopping, and she didn't tell her agent everything.

So ten minutes later, Qiao Wanyi specifically searched for her name on Weibo.

Sure enough, an account posted a photo of her standing with Zhuang Shihao.

In the photo, Zhuang Shihao's face is indistinguishable, but her appearance is very clear. Obviously, she is the focal point of the photographer's vision. Of course, who makes her a star?

The person on that account also posted some speculative text: "Isn't this Qiao Wanyi, the singer who is returning to China, is the one next to her boyfriend?"

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