Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2933: Too lazy to experience

Her face was red, but at the critical moment, she could still bear it, looking at him funny and with a bit of revenge.

Zhuang Shihao became sober all at once, annoyed that he had just rushed back to tell her things clearly, and even forgot to go to the drugstore to buy things.

"Then I'm going to the drugstore downstairs now." He got up, put on a white shirt, his face flushed, and he returned to the appearance of a gentleman.

"I'm hungry a long time ago, and I don't want to do these things." Fang Lan complained in a low voice, "I didn't eat lunch at all."

She was telling the truth. Wouldn't Zhuang Shihao be so inhumane that he would continue to eat without letting himself eat?

Zhuang Shihao's face changed slightly, he leaned down and stared into her eyes: "Do you want me to die?"

Fang Lan rubbed her face and ignored him.

The man pressed her down, then got up after asking for a kiss again, "Let's go."

He took her by the hand and went out together. Fang Lan wore a very soft thin sweater with a long and large style, which just fits on the slim skirt inside. The evening wind was a bit cool, her forehead and palm of her hand But a little sweaty.

When passing by the drugstore, Zhuang Shihao didn't stop, and Fang Lan said "Hey", "You don't want to buy it?"

Zhuang Shihao curled his lips to look at her: "It looks like you are more anxious than me."

"Who is in a hurry?" Fang Lan turned her head and ignored him.

Zhuang Shihao took her hand, walked to the drugstore, and ordered two boxes.

"Why do you buy so much?" she muttered.

"What are you going to do?" Zhuang Shihao reached out and took it, putting it directly in his pocket.

Fang Lan thought he was going back, but she didn't expect to walk two more steps to the restaurant. She squinted and laughed. She was still a bit human.

She thought he really wanted to keep her from eating dinner.

When the dishes came up, Zhuang Shihao ate quickly, and soon after he was full, he put down his chopsticks, and Fang Lan ate slowly.

Zhuang Shihao could see that she was delaying time, and her face was flushed. In fact, he had already noticed that she hadn't let go of this kind of thing before, but at that time, he didn't bother to feel her feelings.

He didn't urge, and drank soup to accompany her.

Fang Lan himself knew that he couldn't keep it going, and the two people had confirmed their relationship, and sooner or later they would have to make this breakthrough.

She put down the bowl, this meal has been eaten for more than an hour.

Zhuang Shihao settled the bill and walked out of the hotel together holding her hand. The gesture of holding hands was already familiar and sophisticated.

He walked in large strides, and Fang Lan needed a little thought to catch up with him.

Fang Lan heard Youyou's voice as soon as he walked into the community.

She immediately looked back and saw Doctor Fang standing there holding Youyou.

When Fang Lan saw his father, she unconsciously let go of the hand held by Zhuang Shihao, her face was hot and very embarrassed.

Zhuang Shihao's palm was empty and he felt a little lost. He touched the two boxes of things he bought, then glanced at Youyou, and touched the tip of his nose.

Doctor Fang saw the news on the Internet, so he took a look at it while sending it back to Youyou.

Seeing Fang Lan and Zhuang Shihao talking and laughing, he didn't know if Fang Lan didn't know the news, or whether it was a misunderstanding and has been clarified.

But thinking of the past few years, Doctor Fang really didn't have any smiles, and he couldn't be happy.

Fang Lan took Youyou: "Dad, why do you make a special trip? We will pick Youyou in a while."

"It just happened to come out and liven up the muscles and bones." Doctor Fang said, asking his daughter if he has a stomach, but Youyou and Zhuang Shihao are here, so he can't ask directly.

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