Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2937: Must show her a good look

However, the Shihao Group's reaction was quick enough. After she saw their statement, the heat of the matter went down.

Of course, some people say that Zhuang Shihao is the red flag at home, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside his home. Fang Lan just smiled and skipped those absurd comments.

It is not that she thinks that her current position is safe, but that Zhuang Shihao now gives her such a sense of security.

After the divorce for so long, she also knew where her security came from. It was definitely not a man, but herself.

Therefore, she will need love now, but she will also leave enough space and time for herself.

The door was opened by the key, and Youyou rushed in.

Zhuang Shihao carried his schoolbag and computer bag, followed behind him, changed his slippers, and smiled when Fang Lan was lying on the sofa reading a book.

The light at home was warm and bright, and she sat there, just like he imagined.

This is also what a family looks like.

Zhuang Shihao walked towards her, bowed his head and kissed her forehead. Youyou was already in her arms. He kissed his wife and son again, still not satisfied until he sat on the sofa and hugged the two together.


The next day, an interview video of Qiao Wanyi went viral on Weibo.

In the interview video, when asked about her relationship, Qiao Wanyi recalled her first love emotionally, and then recalled her grief when she was a miser.

Speaking of emotions, she burst into tears: "This experience made me grow up and made me sober. I believe that there are many good girls who have encountered all this just like me, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you work hard, those Those who can't kill you will make you stronger!"

This video was followed by her new album. She was interviewed for hitting songs.

When most singers release new albums, they are like actors. They will have a wide range of activities for a period of time to promote them, and they will come up with any selling points.

The same goes for Qiao Wanyi.

Qiao Wanyi's career did not go as smoothly as she expected.

Last time, the well-known lyricist Hua Kai refused to cooperate with her.

Soon after, Su Mi also refused to cooperate with her.

In addition, Shihao Group's statement has a big impact on her reputation. Many people have laughed at her wanting to post upside down. Therefore, Qiao Wanyi's new album is about to be released. There is nothing else that can make her stir up for a while, she can only rely on her personal In her private life, she built herself into a strong and independent woman who stood up after being hurt by love.

Sure enough, the spread of this video is very wide. The majority of female compatriots have a natural disgust and hostility towards Xiaosan, and Qiao Wanyi is so pitiful that everyone naturally wants to speak for her.

Qiao Wanyi's new album has also received a wave of attention.

Qiao Wanyi’s fans are threatening to find the woman whose junior has passed Qiao Wanyi, and she must look good!

The popularity of Qiao Wanyi's new album is on the rise, and the sales are also good, which has attracted passersby to contribute a wave of data for her.

Several of her songs can be regarded as slowly out of the circle.

When Fang Lan saw this video, she didn't care at all.

Zhuang Shihao stayed in the host sleeping room these few nights, consuming all her energy.

She really wanted to know that when she divorced, she asked for it because she didn't want to be occupied by this man during the night?

The story that Qiao Wanyi told was inferred from the timeline. It is no doubt Fang Lan who robbed her boyfriend's mistress.

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