Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2940: Sober in a flash

"It's better than I go to the front desk with you." Zhuang Shihao grabbed her wrist.

Fang Lan also realized that he was not intentional, and said in a low voice, "Then you will go to the front desk with me and sit by the side and wait."

Anyway, she wouldn't be able to give them space for lone men and women to get along with each other, let alone one with a certain intention in his heart.

"Good." Zhuang Shihao didn't even look at Qiao Wanyi.

Fang Lan said, "I will pack my things, and you will wait for me first."

Qiao Wanyi saw how they looked like me, and she hated Fang Lan and resented that everything that was supposed to be her was taken away...

Thinking of her job opportunity this time, it was also insignificant because of Fang Lan's existence, and her heart was full of hatred.

Fang Lan packed up the things on the shelf. Qiao Wanyi looked at the shelf but didn't remind her. Instead, she came forward to pick up the things and shook the shelf in secret.

She wanted to see if Zhuang Shihao would come to save herself or Fang Lan if the rack fell down.

If he really comes to save himself, it means that everything still has a chance...

Even if he doesn't come to save herself, but instead saves Fang Lan, watching the two of them get injured can dispel the anger in her heart. They owe them all of this, and they should return it!

The shelf was originally unstable because of the lack of screws, and was swayed secretly by Qiao Wanyi. Soon, there was a karaoke, and he hit the two people.

Since Zhuang Shihao wanted to avoid Qiao Wanyi, he didn't stand close to Fang Lan, a little more than a dozen steps away.

This sudden change occurred, and the shelf fell down with a bang.

Fang Lan subconsciously covered his head.

However, the unexpected pain did not come. Zhuang Shihao had already rushed over, blocking her directly with his body, and the rack and everything hit his head and back.

Because of his height, he blocked the rack, and Qiao Wanyi was not hit. Besides, Qiao Wanyi was prepared to not let herself be hit.

When Fang Lan felt that generous embrace, the whole person was dumbfounded, and only after she woke up, her voice trembled: "Zhuang Shihao? Zhuang Shihao, don't you scare me?"

"It's okay." Zhuang Shihao's voice was still calm, just a little more hoarse.

The staff in other rooms hurried over and shouted: "Help, help! Are you okay? Call an ambulance!"

The rack on Zhuang Shihao's body was removed, and he was helped out, but he protected Fang Lan the whole time.

At the moment when the accident happened, he rushed towards Fang Lan with almost no hesitation.

As for the others, they are not in his consideration at all.

"Sir, are you okay?" the staff member asked in fear.

Today’s event is full of decent figures, like Zhuang Shihao’s clothing, demeanor, and demeanor. It is even more likely that they are investors. If it really hurts people, the organizer’s responsibility should not be underestimated.

Everyone shivered in fright.

"It's okay." Zhuang Shihao whispered, he knew his physical condition.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Fang Lan. It was okay to see her, but his eyes were anxious and he was about to cry. He stretched out one hand and held her face, "I said it's all right."

Fang Lan pursed her lips: "Why are you so stupid."

This smash was not light, and the violent impact echoed in her ears.

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