Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2950: Initiator

"It's a pity that shouldn't it be that child who has become a tool for his mother!"

"Zhuang Shihao is also a kind of romantic love, have you forgotten what happened between him and Peng Xiuxiu before?"

Everyone discussed it one after another, and changed their opinions on Qiao Wanyi.

After all, no one can treat this kind of thing with confidence.

Some people even think: "If it's me, I might retaliate against Fang Lan. Besides, didn't Fang Lan have been injured in this incident?"

Everyone posted a barrage to agree.

Qiao Wanyi knew in her heart that her goal had been achieved.

She can use this to clean up, at least, her behavior is no longer purely intentional, but has antecedents and consequences.

At least there will be a large number of people who will accept their reasons for doing things.

She cried and said with rain: "I admit that I was an ordinary little girl at first, and she couldn't fight Fang Lan's wealth and wealth. But don't I have no dignity and heart?

Fang Lan hurt me like this and forced me to leave and go abroad. My heart has always been painful. So at that time, I did something unconscious and irrational. Although it was my fault this time, isn't she the one who caused it? "

Everyone persuaded: "Don't cry. Although you have done something wrong, it is indeed not considered unforgivable."

Qiao Wanyi continued to cry: "Actually, I came back this time because I have prepared for a long time abroad and plan to develop in my homeland. It is my own ability to get the endorsement of Shihao Group-of course I don't know if there is any. Zhuang Shihao's guilt and compensation for me.

But I dare to say that when I came back this time, there was no personal affair with Zhuang Shihao. The past has passed. I am also a person of status. How can I still pester him endlessly.

However, Fang Lan had to think that it was me who caused her and Zhuang Shihao’s problems, so I tried every means to obstruct my work, not only costing me a lot of cooperation opportunities, but also caused Shihao Group to cancel my endorsement.

Sorry, I did something wrong, I can apologize.

But Fang Lan, how many times has she owed me an apology? "

Qiao Wanyi's words caused a large number of people to change their views of her, and Fang Lan also expressed doubts.

Yeah, didn't Fang Lan divorced Zhuang Shihao, why did she show that way? Isn't that intentional to let everyone deepen their hatred for Qiao Wanyi?

I have to say that many people in general are very difficult to reason about the evidence. They will be manipulated by the emotions in front of them, and they tend to sympathize with the person who is crying miserably and beautifully. What's more, Qiao Wanyi's words are so reasonable.

Public opinion quickly flipped over at this moment.

After Zhuang Shihao sent Fang Lan home, he rushed to meet with the client. In the car, he saw the live broadcast.

He squeezed his brows and asked Assistant Zhang to call Qiao Wanyi's agency before. He was already merciful and hoped that Qiao Wanyi could do it for himself and stop exposing his shortcomings to the public.

But now, she actually pushed all the things back then on Fang Lan.

Zhuang Shihao couldn't bear him anymore.

He called Assistant Zhang directly, "solve this matter."

Assistant Zhang had collected a lot of evidence long ago. If Qiao Wanyi didn't make things so big, it would be useless.

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