Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2954: Not allowed to go

In fact, Fang Lan's name appeared on various hot searches. This time, she herself has nothing to do with all these things.

She forced someone to rush to the front, slapped someone to help, she just walked through everyone's mouth, and she didn't even show up once.

So seeing the words Fang Lan appeared on Weibo, she felt as if it were an unfamiliar name, and she didn't feel that it could be equated with herself at all.

It still feels strange.

I heard that Qiao Wanyi will soon return to foreign countries. She has a familiar family and a financial master there. It is not difficult for her to live the same life as before—this is news from a paparazzi.

Fang Lan didn't bother to pay attention to Qiao Wanyi's whereabouts. After she left Qiao Wanyi, she never cared again.

She was just very surprised. This time Qiao Wanyi was so miserable. All the evidence was provided by Zhuang Shihao.

When did he know those things?

When Zhuang Shihao took the time to go home at noon, Fang Lan was sitting on the sofa, the sun was shining brightly, spreading across the room, gently covering her body.

She was probably tired last night, and she still needs to squint during the day to regain her strength.

It is Zhuang Shihao, with good physical strength and energy every day.

She closed her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes blinked slightly. When she opened her eyes, Zhuang Shihao was about to cover her with a thin blanket, moving gently.

"Are you back?" She woke up and sat up straight.

Zhuang Shihao put down his coat, sat with her, smiled and asked, "What do you want to eat at noon?"

"You come back to have lunch with me?"

"Why, can't it?" The man raised his eyebrows slightly.

Fang Lan smiled: "Allow."

She got up to take the bag, and Zhuang Shihao said: "The matter has been resolved, and the impact of the matter has been eliminated to a minimum. There is no need to worry about it anymore."

Fang Lan pursed her lips: "When did you find out about Qiao Wanyi?"

"Is this important?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

"Just ask." Fang Lan's mood was obviously not as high as before.

Zhuang Shihao stretched out his hand and held her wrist: "Many of Qiao Wanyi's affairs were investigated by Assistant Zhang. If she doesn't offend you, I don't have to care about her."

Fang Lan lowered her eyes and smiled casually. She did have a thorn in her heart. She felt that Zhuang Shihao chose herself because Qiao Wanyi was already unbearable and meaningless to him, so she was promoted from candidate to first choice.

She didn't care about it before, but now she is struggling with this kind of problem.

Zhuang Shihao whispered: "Still thinking about her?"

"Nothing, nothing to think about."

Zhuang Shihao pressed her into the sofa: "If you don't say it clearly, you are not allowed to go."

"Zhuang Shihao, it's Qiao Wanyi that is not working anymore. It all collapsed in your mind. I was chosen by you, right?" Fang Lan asked directly.

Zhuang Shihao was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "Are you thinking about this?"

"You answer me."

"Fang Lan, do you have no confidence in me or yourself? Do you not believe in your feelings, do you not believe in your own charm?" Zhuang Shihao looked down at her, and in her shallow eyes, he looked at his clear Reflection.

Fang Lan lowered his head and suddenly felt that it was boring to entangle with him.

Why does he like himself because of what is so important?

She picked up her bag again and said, "Forget it, let's go, or go to lunch."

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