Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2957: Can't be rushed

Zhuang Shihao pulled Fang Lan over and said with a smile: "Let me help. You should rest for a while. Did you get tired just now?"

Fang Lan blushed, staring at him, and said that he was messing around like this when Aunt Zhang took Youyou out to buy things in the early morning of the weekend.

Tired is not tired, but it is inevitable that the whole body is sore.

Fang Lan sat on the sofa and didn't care what was going on in the kitchen, chatting with Youyou to watch the animation.

Youyou watched for a while and ran to play with toys. Fang Lan tuned the channel casually until she saw a picture of marriage on the TV screen, with the bride and groom standing in the center of the stage, receiving blessings from everyone.

She froze for a while, and turned off the TV. In fact, she didn't watch anything just now, just lazily relax.

Mother Zhuang passed by behind her with vegetables, and glanced at the TV screen.

While eating, Mother Zhuang suddenly said, "Lan Lan, do you like the wedding dress you like?"

"Huh?" Fang Lan didn't expect that she would suddenly ask like this.

"Didn't you and Shihao reconcile? When do you plan to have the wedding again?" Mother Zhuang asked.

Zhuang Shihao also raised his eyes to look at Fang Lan. In fact, he had done it several times when he proposed to marry him, but Fang Lan never let go.

He naturally knew that he could not rush.

The indifference towards her in the previous years of life was really enough for her to endure.

What's more, the last time she got married, all that was left of her was unpleasant. He passively participated in the whole process and played casually, and she was just a strong smile.

Get married again, he will give her a romantic and grand wedding.

Fang Lan bit his chopsticks and suddenly shook his head and said, "Mom, I have no plans to hold a wedding."

"You don't have to do it. Anyway, the wedding is for outsiders, and the marriage is yours. Just get the certificate." Mother Zhuang agreed.

Fang Lan hadn't received the certificate, so she bowed her head to eat and stopped talking.

Zhuang Shihao picks up vegetables for her. Mother Zhuang seems to have realized something. When she glances at her son, she seems to be blaming him for not taking any action.

"You kid, why are you so careless? What should be done, do it early." Mother Zhuang said.

Zhuang Shihao said flatly, "My mother."

After eating, Mother Zhuang and Father Zhuang took Youyou and urged Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan to go out to play. As for where to play and how to play, it is all young people’s business. They are only responsible for taking the children well. .

Fang Lan pursed her lips and smiled. Speaking of which, her mother-in-law is really good, she will consider everything for her, and she will not be a demon or cause trouble. If there weren't such a mother-in-law in the past, Fang Lan felt that she might not be able to persist So many years.

Walking out with Zhuang Shihao, before Zhuang Shihao could speak, Fang Lan felt that she still had to tell him clearly: "Zhuang Shihao, I have no plans to get married."

Zhuang Shihao paused and looked at her seriously.

Fang Lan raised his eyes straight and said, "Marriage is just a form. It doesn't make much sense whether there is a piece of paper in the marriage. I have experienced it once, and I don't want to experience it again."

Zhuang Shihao looked at her: "Are you afraid, will I be beaten back to my original form after I get married?"

"I don't know. All I know is that it's fine now." Fang Lan is indeed scared. If the marriage continues, she might be tortured to the end of her life.

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