Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2959: bless you

Fang Lan just thought that between himself and Xu Yaorong, he should really make a clear statement.

There is no need for people to wait a long time without hope, right?

When she knocked on the door and went in, Xu Guangrong was very surprised to see her.

Especially when you see what is in her hand.

"Xu Xuechang, the girl outside the door had to ask me to bring this to you, and I really can't refuse it."

Xu Glory's expression dimmed for two or three minutes. Knowing that this was the result in his heart, he smiled forcefully and said, "Really?"

"Well, the food is still hot." Fang Lan put the things on his table and said with a smile, "I'm going to be busy again recently, maybe I won't stay in Jingyuan for a while."

"What about Yoyo?"

"Zhuang Shihao moved here, and Youyou naturally lived with his father." Fang Lan smiled lightly.

Xu Glory knew that their reconciliation was an inevitable fact.

In fact, he knew this a long time ago. Last time Fang Lan and Zhuang Shihao attended Lu Tongtong's school promotion banquet, he knew that was the truth.

Fang Lan sat down and smiled calmly: "Xu Xuechang, do you know that, in fact, my father still thinks of you very often. Because you are among the people he has helped, few of them often come back to visit him Yes. But in fact, he does not help others for this purpose. Sometimes, a person will remember some things for a long time and read them for a long time, but it does not mean that they will always exist. Sometimes, some things remain In the memory, it will be better."

Xu Guangrong listened to her calmly, with a smile on his face.

Fang Lan continued: "When I was a kid, I used to run in the garden and I always wanted to pick some flowers I like. But after I pick them, I will find that there are better ones. I always pick and pick them. I can’t finish the picking. Later my dad told me, it’s better to let them all stay in the garden, and wait until you meet the one you like the most, then pick it again, it’s not too late, right? Senior Xu, I’ve already met My favorite one, you can meet it if you like it."

Xu Glory smiled and said, "Bless you. Bless me by the way."

"Well, bless you too."

Xu Glory nodded: "In the future, I will get busy, and there will be less time to visit you and Uncle Fang. You can bring me a greeting with Uncle Fang. I will still visit him if I have the opportunity in the future."

"Okay, surely my dad will be very happy."

Xu Glory stretched out his arm and spread it out: "Can I give you a hug?"

As he always wanted to do.

This is the first and last time.

Fang Lan approached him, was embraced by him, and was gently embraced.

It took a long time for Xu Guangrong to let go of her, with a smile of relief on his face. That was his reconciliation with himself, and that was the feeling that he had finally let go of that was too untimely.

Fang Lan went out and her mood became very relaxed. She didn't know if the flower Xu Rongrong encountered in the future was the little girl standing at the door, but she knew that he would be happy for sure.

A good man, he must be worthy of happiness.

In the evening, Youyou will be with Zhuang's father and Zhuang's mother.

Aunt Zhang left after preparing meals for Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan.

Fang Lan took the bowls and chopsticks over, began to serve himself, and directly gave Zhuang Shihao an empty bowl.

He sat still.

"Zhuang Shihao, it's served." Fang Lan knocked his bowl.

Anyway, after the divorce, Fang Lan stopped serving him food.

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