Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2974: Boss lady

Fang Lan saw these voices on Weibo and was unmoved.

Anyway, she has her own life plan, and she won't listen to what others say.

On the contrary, Zhuang Shihao, when he saw some words that urged him to get married, he would read them out to Fang Lan.

On the one hand, I also felt that the netizens in this session were really sensible, and they spoke nicely, not as unbearable as the rumors of the outside world.

Fang Lan grabbed his mobile phone and said, "Mr. Zhuang, what are you going to do with my shares? I hold it really hot."

"It's all yours, should I find someone to help you manage it?"

"I'm really tired of dealing with a bunch of numbers and going to the company to handle affairs, so I don't have time to take pictures."

"Then you leave it to me to take care of it, all together. You can do it hard for me."

Fang Lan was anxious for him to say this: "Okay, you can take it all. But if you say it, I should have no less profit. I can leave it to you to take care of it, but it is not for you."

"Of course." Zhuang Shihao lowered his head and kissed her, "When did I squeeze you?"

Fang Lan thought of his squeeze and blushed, "Are you not squeezing enough?"

"Of course it's not enough."


The next day, Fang Lan received astronomical profits from his card.

She was stunned. When she took care of her before, she didn't have so much profit?

She called Zhuang Shihao.

Zhuang Shihao said flatly, "Oh, I also transferred part of my shares to you."

"Zhuang Shihao!" Fang Lan was shocked.

"I'll take care of you anyway, you just need to be a rich woman at ease, okay?" The man's voice was elegant and gentle.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take the money out to raise a little milk dog, a little wolf dog?"

Zhuang Shihao sternly said: "Which little milk dog can milk me?"

Fang Lan thought about it, he was really milky when he was gentle, and he was similar to a big boy when he smiled brightly, otherwise she wouldn't have caught him at a glance, and would be with him to death.

She pursed her lips: "But I can still raise a little wolf dog."

"How can a little wolf dog be better than me?" Zhuang Shihao asked naturally.

Fang Lan rubbed her sore waist and cursed with anger: "Aren't you just a dog man?"

"Happy to serve." Zhuang Shihao's laughter came through the electric current.

Fang Lan's ears were soft and shocked.


So after that, the official blog of the Shihao Group liked @蝶小姐 for everything, and always referred to as "Boss Lady".

The meaning here is simply too straightforward to ignore.

Occasionally, there are a few yin and yang strange things that say that Zhuang Shihao respects Youyou on the surface only for his son, but is beaten in the face again.

When the prospectus of Shihao Group came out, Fang Lan ranked second with 30% of the shares.

In the newly developed villa area of ​​Shihao Group, the villas left alone are all written with Fang Lan's name.

Mrs. Zhuang even came forward directly and announced domineeringly that whoever dares to have trouble with Fang Lan is not giving her face!

Afterwards, someone saw Zhuang Shihao squatting in front of Fang Lan, helping her to tie her shoes. Fang Lan looked lazy and seemed a little reluctant, but Zhuang Shihao was full of patience.

This picture is like the queen and her follower together, it almost flashes the eyes of many people, and the fans of Fang Lan's excitement are too sweet. They are calling for two people to remarry soon. Be sure to come. The wedding of the century.

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