Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2986: For the rest of my life

She loves him and herself more, so she didn't say bluntly that it was a celebration for him, but told him to invite him to attend an event of her own.

If he loves her too, he will come.

Sometimes love itself is a compromise to each other.

But the premise is that the other party is worth it.

After singing a song on stage, Su Mi said to the side of the stage: "Today, my good friend will also be on stage and sing a song with me. Let's welcome Fang Lan."

There was a round of applause from the audience.

Fans who are familiar with Su Mi know that she and Fang Lan have always had a good relationship. As a famous photographer, Fang Lan has taken many art photos and promotional photos of Su Mi. Everyone likes Fang Lan’s style and accepts her. The degree is also very high.

Therefore, fans are not surprised when Fang Lan comes on stage, they are all happy to see the interaction between fans and friends.

Fang Lan appeared while holding the microphone.

Su Mi is wearing a black dress, while Fang Lan is wearing a white dress.

Fang Lan saw that seat at a glance. Zhuang Shihao was sitting. He was here, and he had been waiting patiently for this song club that he didn't have much interest in.

A smile appeared on Fang Lan's face.

The prelude to the music sounded, and Su Mi and Fang Lan sang the new song written by Fang Lan together.

"I'll show you how simple and sloppy youth was in those few years

But it keeps me addicted

He is the only one beside me

But dare to go to the crazy dream without sky

He accompanies me to bleed and break my skin

I exchanged memories when I was insomnia

Also because of him

You lose the end if you change someone else

In the boyhood without the red carpet

If it weren't for him, how would I get through and be unknown?

I really stayed in the heavy rain with him

Really accompany him in winter and summer

Really embrace him in the dark

Really took his arm

He flew thousands of miles across the earth with me

Let's make dreams together forever

Zeng hid in the silence of the long street

Promise to only have the bright future of the other party

The so-called tender evidence that was spied on

In fact, it's only 1/10,000

In no one's corner

Have more romantic secrets

The world guesses true or false and does not believe in fate

But I arranged him in

For the rest of my life"

After singing a few sentences, Su Mi just smiled with the microphone, stopped singing, and handed the stage to Fang Lan alone.

Fang Lan's voice is clear and moving, not as professional as Su Mi, but that voice is also gentle and passionate, gently curling up to the heart.

In Zhuang Shihao's eyes at the moment, she was the only one on the stage, she was the only one floating, and the singing came slowly.

He listened attentively to each lyric, and gently clenched his fingers into a fist, "He is the only one beside me, but he dares to go to the skyless, crazy dream. It is he who accompanies me to bleed and break my skin, and exchange memories when I have insomnia. ..."

It was her who accompanied him through the unknown and scribbled his youth for several years.

It's her too, now arrange him for the rest of his life.

He will also accompany her through the four seasons, share the earth with her for thousands of miles, and rush to each other's bright future together.

When Fang Lan sang the last sentence: "I want to tell you that it is too difficult to fall in love, but when a young man is moved, he will always be moved. Don't worry about gossip. Please always believe in this love."

The corner of Zhuang Shihao's eyes was warm.

In the streamer, she sang every sentence, every word, only to him.

He knew that this was the best birthday he had ever had, and it was also the perfect song club he had ever heard.

[This lyrics borrowed from Ah Ming's "The Truth Is Truth". I love this lyrics too much and I took the liberty to use it. I would like to thank the original author and bow. 】

[Part of Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan, there are still a few chapters of sweet plots to be completed, and there are still some Su Mi's aftermath plots to be completed after completion.]

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