Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2993: Still a kid

Jiang Shuyuan did everything.

When Doctor Fang followed into the examination room, Jiang Shuyuan walked around the door anxiously.

Qiao Hui helped her: "Mom, sit down for a while."

"Go sit down, don't tire the child in your stomach." Jiang Shuyuan said.

Qiao Hui said: "I'll stand here for a while, I hope nothing will happen. This doctor, after all, is the one invited by Su Mi."

This made Jiang Shuyuan's heart tremble, and most of the previous joy disappeared, turned into worry and doubt, and her heart was messed up.

Speaking of which, she is not at ease with Su Mi, because Su Mi is now a strong competitor of the Lin family's family business. If Lin Qingyuan really has something to do, no one can stop Su Mili.

The one in Qiao Hui's belly is still a child after all.

Jiang Shuyuan panicked all of a sudden in her heart. If it weren't for the old man Lin, she would go in and bring her son out right now.

Seeing that what should be said was almost done, Qiao Hui sat down with her belly on her hands.

At this moment, Jiang Shuyuan felt even more uncomfortable like a cat's claw. She couldn't wait to open the door of the examination room, watch Doctor Fang with his own eyes, and see how he checked whether it would hurt her son's hair.

Su Mi sat next to Old Man Lin, watching her nose and nose, without showing any external emotions, she just watched calmly.

Jiang Shuyuan didn't know her heart. She checked Su Mi several times, and it seemed that Doctor Fang was really Su Mi's accomplice.

Doctor Fang quickly checked Lin Qingyuan and then walked out.

Jiang Shuyuan rushed forward and went to see Lin Qingyuan first. Although Lin Qingyuan's face was pale, she was still calm, and a big rock in her heart landed. Fortunately, Doctor Fang didn't do anything to Lin Qingyuan.

Elder Lin asked, "Doctor Fang, what's the situation with my grandson now?"

"The congestion in the brain has not been removed. The location of the congestion is not very well pressed, just on the most important nerve and blood vessel. If surgery is to be performed, the risk is somewhat high."

These words are basically consistent with the diagnosis results given by other doctors. Jiang Shuyuan finally put a little bit of the doctor's thoughts on her son.

However, this heart immediately raised it again: "Then how to do the operation?"

It was because the previous doctors were unable to perform this operation that Lin Qingyuan dragged him down to the present.

The hope now lies with Doctor Fang.

"It's a little difficult to do the operation. The congestion and the nerves and blood vessels have crossed, and a little carelessness will cause massive intracranial hemorrhage." Doctor Fang said in a deep voice, "If you do, you have to accept the 30% risk."

In other words, the success rate of surgery is only 70%.

The Lin family were silent.

But compared with other doctors, the success rate is only 30%. The result given by Doctor Fang is obviously much better.

But even if it gets better, the risk is still great.

Old Man Lin hesitated.

This is even more true for Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan, especially Jiang Shuyuan, who started to cry on the spot, and was extremely uncomfortable.

Doctor Fang said, "You have two days to consider."

"Why?" Old Man Lin asked.

"If it's more than two days, he won't be able to wake up regardless of surgery. Because the congestion will directly crush the brain nerves, and two days later, the gods will not be able to save them."

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