Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2995: Do you believe it or not

Jiang Shuyuan has been questioning Doctor Fang. The assistant had long seen her unpleasant, and she coldly snorted and said, "Believe it or not."

Now Jiang Shuyuan really believed, and said: "Okay, okay, that would be great!"

Mr. Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. He personally went to receive Doctor Fang, thanked him, and then asked his assistant to drive Dr. Fang home.

Jiang Shuyuan was overjoyed and went to the ward with Lin Qingyuan.

Qiao Hui in the lounge next door heard the news, but her heart was more sad than joy.

When Lin Qingyuan woke up, she did indeed have support.

But when she thinks that the future will be so difficult, she loses her joy.

Qiao Hui thought for a while, and then slowly came to Lin Qingyuan’s ward, and heard that Dr. Fang’s assistant was explaining the precautions, and what he said was to make Lin Qingyuan feel at ease and recover on time. The body function is very weak , It will take at least three to five years to recover well and so on.

Qiao Hui felt uncomfortable when she heard it.

She waited until the assistant left before she walked in.

Jiang Shuyuan was infinitely happy, and said hurriedly: "Qiao Hui, you come soon, Qingyuan is fine, and you will wake up soon. Come and take a look."

Because of the child in Qiao Hui's belly, Jiang Shuyuan's disgust for the things she did before has alleviated long ago, and she thinks that her son is about to wake up, so she looks pleasing to everyone now.

Qiao Hui couldn't be happy, but she still tried to be happy, her eyes were red.

Jiang Shuyuan only regarded her as happy, without suspicion at all.

Su Mi works in the company. When she heard the call from Old Man Lin saying that Lin Qingyuan's operation had been successful, she said calmly, "Congratulations, Grandpa."

Mr. Lin was grateful to Su Mi, but knew that to say thank you was too weak and pale, so he didn't say much.

There are people guarding Lin Qingyuan's ward at all times.

Especially in the past two days, let alone Jiang Shuyuan, even the people in the hospital did not dare to neglect. After all, this is a rare case. The previous doctors did not dare to do it. Only Dr. Fang did it this time. , Dealing with such a big thing right away, is a case that the hospital attaches great importance to.

In the ward, apart from family members, only doctors and nurses come over at a specific time.

However, after a whole day, Lin Qingyuan did not wake up.


Su Mi was working in the company, and after receiving the call, she picked it up.

It is Dr. Fang's assistant.

He said anxiously on the phone, "Ms. Su, the hospital is not doing well. Someone has trouble finding Doctor Fang."

"what happened?"

"It's not the Lin family. Lin Qingyuan didn't wake up, and the situation has worsened. The crazy woman surnamed Jiang is yelling and screaming for the trouble of finding Doctor Fang. We can't stop it!"

Su Mi immediately said, "I'll be here."

After all, this matter was due to her own arrangements. If Dr. Fang had any accident, Su Mi would definitely not be able to watch it.

She said to Sister Cao: "Sister Cao, my next activities will be postponed a little bit later. I will come back when I deal with a few things."

"I let Xiao Ke follow you." Sister Cao said immediately.

Su Mi did not refuse, and brought Xiao Ke to the hospital.

Before I got closer, I heard Jiang Shuyuan's loud shout: "Why, why are you doing this to my son? What did my son do wrong?"

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