Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2997: Single-minded to save people

The assistant lowered his head and said "Oh".

After a while, the examination room came out with the result, took it out, and said, "A toxin was found in Lin Qingyuan's blood. It was this toxin that prevented him from waking up now, and the situation worsened."

"What poison? How did it happen?" Doctor Fang asked.

"I don't know yet, but the venom has entered the bloodstream, causing problems in his heart. Now his physical function is very weak, I am afraid that problems will occur at any time."

Doctor Fang needs a letter, and Jiang Shuyuan has already cried and ran up: "I said it was you, did I make a mistake! Su Mi, Su Mi, blame you, blame you, you pay my son! You pay my son Ah! You made my son like this! You give him back to me, give me back!"

Su Mi reached out and pushed her away, and the bodyguard prevented Jiang Shuyuan from getting close to Su Mi.

Doctor Fang said, "Su Mi, you go back first and I will see Lin Qingyuan."

But Jiang Shuyuan was still scolding and shouting loudly: "You are not allowed to approach my son for half a step with the surname Fang and Su. If my son has any shortcomings, I must sue you for murder! Lin Delu, you go quickly Stop them! That's your son!"

Lin Delu could only stand up and said, "Doctor Fang, Su Mi, you should go back. Qingyuan will leave it to the doctor in the hospital to handle it."

The assistant said angrily, "Do you know that your son is about to die?"

"But before Doctor Fang came, didn't he be fine?" Lin Delu was not as excited and irritable as Jiang Shuyuan, but when he said it, the lethality was not low at all.

"..." The assistant was speechless with anger.

"Then you can guarantee that my son is 100% okay and wakes up completely?" Lin Delu asked.

"..." The assistant was speechless again.

It is impossible for Doctor Fang to say such a guarantee to him. No doctor can.

This Lin family, now no one can call the shots.

At this moment, a situation came from the examination room: "Lin Qingyuan is not well, we need to be rescued immediately! Doctor Fang, Doctor Fang, you must go right away!"

Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan were pale.

Suddenly, Jiang Shuyuan didn't know whether she should continue to stop Doctor Fang.

"The blood pressure continues to drop, the heartbeat drops, and the breathing is almost gone. Hurry up and get ready for an electric shock!" There were bursts of urgent voices in the examination room.

"Doctor Fang, you must ask Doctor Fang to come over!" The doctors and nurses inside shouted anxiously, while Jiang Shuyuan stopped Doctor Fang, and Lin Delu also pulled Doctor Fang not to let go.

Someone scolded, "What are you doing? People are going to die!"

Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan finally let go of their hands.

Doctor Fang stepped inside immediately and said in a deep voice, "Report the data to me. Monitor the data and give me the scalpel!"

Jiang Shuyuan stopped making trouble, she had no strength to make trouble.

No matter how stupid she was, she could see that Doctor Fang was really dedicated to saving people and had no intention of hurting people at all.

When this time comes, if Doctor Fang really wants to kill Lin Qingyuan, he doesn't need to spend such a lot of time.

She sat down weakly.

Su Mi looked at this woman coldly. No wonder the Lin family declined so quickly. With people like Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan, how could he support the Lin family by himself?

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