Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 300: Have had friendship with Shen Jingyu for many years

He Ning told Shen Jingyu where he was going for the evening.

Shen Jingyu only responded with a faint "good" word.

After getting off work at night, Ye Shu looked like death at home, sweeping goods in the mall.

It seems that if you don't buy it today, you won't be able to buy it in the future.

He Ning was a little tired from walking, went to the coffee shop next door to order coffee, and waited for her while drinking.

Not long after sitting down, I heard a slightly familiar voice asking: "Miss He, can I fight with you?"

He Ning looked up and remembered who this person was.

Wasn't it Yu Xinyan, who was in the villa with Shen Jingyu's fifth aunt last time?

Yu Xinyan was scared of being beaten last time, and has since disappeared in the city of Portugal.

I didn't expect to see it today.

"Sit down." He Ning didn't plan to stay here long, and didn't mind her sitting down.

"Miss He, are you waiting for the third master here?" Yu Xinyan said very familiarly.

He Ning looked at her and said, "Miss Yu, we don't seem to be familiar with each other?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you are familiar or not. How can I say it is also Sanye's nominal cousin, and you and I are relatives."

He Ning held the coffee cup and said nothing.

It doesn't make much sense for her to climb into relatives with Yu Xinyan.

"Miss He, in fact, when I came today, I want to thank you very much for one thing."

"What's the matter?" He Ning didn't think there was any overlap with Yu Xinyan.

Yu Xinyan smiled slightly and said, "You may not know something about San Ye when he was a child. When he was eight years old, a very serious accident happened."

Hearing her mention that when Shen Jingyu was a child, He Ninghuan held the coffee cup's fingers tightly.

She had never heard of such a thing.

Even with the past, she couldn't help being nervous for Shen Jingyu.

"Actually, San Ye, when he was very young, he was lost. Later, the Shen family found him. When he came back, San Ye hurt his sense of taste..."

He Ning knew about this.

At the beginning, Uncle Jiu told her that Shen Jingyu not only lost his sense of taste, but was also allergic to many kinds of food.

However, Shen Jingyu was lost when he was a child, and it was the first time He Ning heard about it.

Yu Xinyan smiled and said: "I know you know little about him, too. After all, I haven't known him for a few months. I have lived in Shen's house since I was a child, and have been in friendship with him for many years.

He Ning certainly wouldn't mind this kind of provocation.

She asked, "So what do you want to thank me for?"

"Miss He may not know that the loss of Sanye's sense of taste is a psychological shadow. Many doctors can't cure it."

"Of course, including Gu Yunchen."

"But I heard that after San Ye met you, he recovered his sense of taste. You can understand the taste after eating."

He Ning is not clear about this.

Shen Jingyu didn't tell her specifically.

But when Yu Xinyan said so, it reminded her that in retrospect, Shen Jingyu liked to kiss her very much.

Especially every time before a meal, she would give her a deep kiss before eating.

So... she reached out and touched her lips. Is it because Shen Jingyu only regains her sense of taste after kissing her?

Seeing a change in her expression, Yu Xinyan knew what she said still had a certain effect.

She felt contented, how long have He Ning and Shen Jingyu been together? Emotional instability is obvious.

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