Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3006: why not

Probably it was a long time in a coma. Although Lin Qingyuan had no problems with his brain, he had to take care of Lu Tongtong's extra attachment to the first person he saw.

Especially when she had a simple smile on her face, Lin Qingyuan identified this nurse.

But Lu Tongtong didn't do this by herself, and she didn't think about making money, so she naturally refused.

Jiang Shuyuan had no choice but to pay a high price to Lu Tongtong, and the one who begged her to tell her grandma, please come here once a day.

Lu Tongtong's ghost and goddess agreed.

When asked by Sister Cao, she didn't hide it, but said that she was working part-time.

"I heard that Su Mi was eating with Grandpa?" Lin Qingyuan asked.

Because Lu Tongtong has taken care of him for a period of time, it is not surprising that he knows the relationship between Su Mi and him, nodded and said, "Yes."

"You push me over, I want to see Su Mi." Lin Qingyuan said.

His people are similar to his name, they all have a quiet and clear feeling, they don't like to laugh, and they are not easy to get along with.

Lu Tongtong thought of the many struggles between him and Su Mi before, and immediately said, "No."

"why not?"

"The doctor said, your current situation is not suitable for getting out of the hospital. What if something happens again? I am unprofessional and I can't save you." Although Lu Tongtong's remarks are an excuse, It's not entirely nonsense.

Lin Qingyuan finally woke up, the hospital naturally took it very seriously, and had told him many times not to go out at will.

Lin Qingyuan frowned slightly: "If something goes wrong, I will be responsible. You push me over."

"No. You can't be responsible at all, and I can't afford it."

"..." Lin Qingyuan was silent for a while, pushing the wheelchair forward by himself.

His wheelchair is electric and it is easy to control.

In fact, it's not that he can't walk at all, just because he has been lying in bed for a long time, his leg muscles are a little atrophied, and it will take some time to get used to walking completely.

Lu Tongtong was taken aback, and hurried to follow, unable to stop him at all.

When Su Mi and Old Man Lin were about to eat, the door rang.

"Please come in." Elder Lin said directly, thinking it was the waiter who was coming in.

The door was pushed open, and a wheelchair came in first, followed by a young and lively girl.

Su Mi first saw Lu Tongtong, froze for a moment, and then saw Lin Qingyuan—she was actually no stranger to him, and she had seen him many times when he was lying in the hospital bed.

It's just that in the past, his face was always covered with something completely lifeless, which distinguished him from others lightly and heavily.

And now, although he still has a face that is faint, he clearly has the color of life.

Elder Lin was taken aback for a moment: "Qingyuan, why are you here?"

He looked at Su Mi guiltily. He didn't make this arrangement, and he was afraid that Su Mi would not like the rest of the Lin family, so this time he thanked Su Mi for coming alone.

Never thought that Lin Qingyuan would come.

Lin Qingyuan's wheelchair slid over and reached Su Mi. He looked at Su Mi and said flatly, "Come and say thanks to Su Mi."

Su Mi looked at Lin Qingyuan, and it was hard to imagine that this would be the son of Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan. Lin Delu was weak and uninitiated. Jiang Shuyuan also had some ethos, but the young man in front of him gave people a very gentle and polite feeling, and his actions were determined. .

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