Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3013: No one is afraid to meet Su Mi

Anyway, Liu Enchi's previously negotiated job is gone, and he got a lot of infamy after he went on a hot search on Weibo.

The police had no real evidence, so he was released. People from other companies hung up immediately when they saw his phone.

Only Su Mi answered his call and said directly to his request: "Okay."

Thinking about it this way, it's been more than half a year.

He has been working with Su Mi for more than half a year.

Because of his relationship, Huang Ying stepped on Su Mi now even more unscrupulously.


Huang Ying’s new album was specially selected by Su Mi when she was working on the album.

Nowadays, when people release albums, no one is afraid to meet Su Mi.

As long as I ran into Su Mi, I basically didn't know how he died.

Avoid Su Mi a little, there is still a chance of survival.

However, Su Mi has already used her own efforts to pull the data of the entire music market to the top. It is basically impossible to catch up with Su Mi.

She has sold 50 million new songs on several music platforms, creating one peak after another.

Calculated according to the record era, this can be counted as fifty platinum sales levels.

A singer like Huang Ying, who can reach 3 million, breaks her own record and meets the company's requirements.

Therefore, Huang Ying's requirements this time are not high.

And for this low requirement, the company has to spend money on Hot Search several times, and connect the related words of Hot Search with Su Mi to be able to achieve it.

After all, people who like Su Mi and those who have heard of Su Mi will inevitably be curious about the level of Su Mi's competitors?

What kind of person is it like to compete with Su Mi?


Because Sister Cao was dealing with hot searches, Su Mi didn't care about it anymore.

After a few days, she asked: "How much did Huang Ying's digital album sell?"

"This is the number." Sister Cao compared two fingers.

"Two million?"

"Two and five million." Sister Cao laughed. "Two million is two hundred and five. Look at it. They have searched 30 times this month, and they live in the same way as they bought a house on the hot search. It’s on it, that’s it. If it weren’t for stepping on you, you wouldn’t even be able to sell it for a million."

Su Mi couldn't help but smiled.

In the past two years, there have been too many people who want to step on Su Mi’s power. If there is any heat, they have to come here. But they don’t have the singing skills of Su Mi, the creative ability of Su Mi, and the digging like Su Mi. The ability of talents, these people really can only take a while, far from being a step.

After all, stepping is a crush that requires extremely high strength.

And rubbing is just a little bit.

Su Mi smiled and couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable in her stomach, and retched.

"Is my stomach upset? I'll pour you some water." Sister Cao said hurriedly, "You, you can't be so busy without eating as soon as you practice singing, your body won't be able to support it over time. Also, don't Rely on diet to lose weight. My sister has brought too many artists, and after dieting to lose weight, there will be various problems in the body."

"I know." Su Mi smiled and took a sip of hot water.

Sister Cao didn't let her stay in the company anymore, and said, "You go back and rest first. I have pushed you all the announcements that can be pushed these days. Anyway, small announcements are also worthy of you."

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