Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3037: I won't hate him anymore

"Chen Bao." Su Mi saw him and stood up distressed.

Xiao Chen rushed towards her with a swift sound, hugged her directly, and hugged her tightly.

Su Mi had a lot of guilt for him. If she hadn't insisted on giving birth to a younger brother, Xiao Chen wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Fortunately, now my brother is safe, and everything is fine with Xiao Chen.

Su Mi picked him up and hugged him firmly: "Chen Bao, Mommy will never leave you again."

Xiao Chen buried his head in her shoulder, tears streaming out.

Chu Zhuohang stood at the door holding his brother, looking at his wife and children tenderly.

He stepped forward, and Xiao Chen cried enough, turned his head and glanced at the younger brother in Chu Zhuohang's hands, choked up and said, "I won't hate him anymore."

Su Mi was stunned, and then she understood Xiao Chen's complicated thoughts, and she laughed distressedly.

Fortunately, in the future, I can accompany them a lot and make up for a lot of them.


After Su Mi woke up that day, she did not feel sleepy anymore.

Gu Yunchen repeatedly assured Chu Zhuohang on WeChat that he was really okay when he woke up this time, and Chu Zhuohang was reluctant.

Xiao Chen and his brother were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

Especially Xiao Chen, arguing to sleep with Su Mi at night.

Su Mi agreed.

Chu Zhuohang looked at his son heavily, and thought to himself: "The biological, biological, biological."

So endure, let him change his pajamas early and lie directly in the middle of the big bed in the master bedroom.

The younger brother was still young and didn't know to stick to Mommy, so he slept in the crib peacefully.

At night, when Xiao Chen was too sleepy, he had to hold Su Mi's hand.

"Mommy is here and won't leave. Chen Bao, good sleep." Su Mi hugged him and coaxed softly.

Xiao Chen finally barely fell asleep.

Chu Zhuohang wanted to sleep with Su Mi, even if he didn't do anything, as long as he stayed close to her, it was enough.

Seeing Xiao Chen asleep, he gently planned to pick him up.

Xiao Chen, who had been sleeping peacefully, immediately opened his eyelashes, and stretched out his hand to automatically face Su Mi's direction: "Mi Mi!"

Then, his little hand grasped Su Mi's hand and pajamas accurately.

Su Mi laughed: "Yes, I. Sleep well."

Xiao Chen was asleep again.

Chu Zhuohang hugged him again, and he woke up exactly as he did last time, as if there was a certain switch on his body that was pressed by Chu Zhuohang.

After a few times, Chu Zhuohang could only give up.

Su Mi couldn't help laughing and her shoulders trembled.

Chu Zhuohang passed Xiaochen and kissed her heavily, "Waiting for Xiaochen to go to school tomorrow..."

Xiao Chen murmured in his sleep: "Tomorrow weekend, I will be with Mi Mi at home."

Su Mi laughed uncontrollably again.

Chu Zhuohang: "..."

Chu Zhuohang: "..."

Chu Zhuohang: "The biological, biological, biological."

Fearing that Su Mi would have an accident and that she would not wake up again when she fell asleep, Chu Zhuohang didn't sleep well all night, but she was in a very good mood.

He didn't squint for a while until early in the morning.

However, before six o'clock, he opened his eyes again and turned to look at Xiao Chen and Su Mi.

I am worried that she will not wake up this time, and I am afraid that she will have to experience a long and hopeless wait again.

With his gaze like this, Xiao Chen rubbed his eyes and woke up, and suddenly met his gaze.

"Papa?" Xiao Chen looked at him strangely, not understanding what he was doing.

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