Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3040: Ridiculously thin

"..." Su Mi was taken aback.

"You were right, it was the operation."

Chu Zhuohang whispered: "I was very guilty of making you pregnant and causing you to have an accident. Now we have two sons. This is enough. There is no need to have more children. So I had an operation. "

Although the doctor suggested that women could be operated on, Chu Zhuohang chose to do it himself. There was no need for Su Mi to suffer along with things that he could bear.

In Su Mi's eyes, the water gleamed, and she knew what he was doing.

Chu Zhuohang kissed her: "So, concentrate now."


Su Mi woke up late the next day.

The entire Chu Family Manor, from Xiaochen and the housekeeper, to Aunt Wang and the driver, all had a heart hanging on them.

Everyone was afraid that Su Mi did not wake up after she fell asleep again. If that were the case, the entire Chu Family Manor would once again fall into gloom and gloom.

"Dad, what's wrong with my Mi Mi? Why haven't you woken up yet?" Xiao Chen frowned and hugged his arms, very worried. He only gave Mi Mi to Chu Zhuohang for one night, Mi Mi Something happened, so how could he feel relieved.

Chu Zhuohang was actually a little worried, but he knew Su Mi's situation best.

He reached out and touched Xiaochen's head: "It's okay, Mi Mi is just too tired, and she will wake up when she has enough rest."

"Really?" Xiao Chen was skeptical.

Chu Zhuohang hooked his lips: "Of course."

Aunt Wang immediately said: "Then I will make some nourishing nutritious soup. The young lady will drink it when she wakes up. She should really make up for it during this period of time. The child has become thinner."

Elderly people, on the contrary, think that Su Mi's previous state is just right. Now this state is considered very thin in the entertainment industry, and among ordinary people, it looks a bit thin and outrageous.

Xiao Chen wanted to go to the room and wait for Su Mi to wake up, but because she was afraid of disturbing her, she had to sit on the stairs and wait.

He held his small face and didn't know what he was thinking. Every time he heard footsteps, he quickly looked upstairs. He looked over several times, and all that appeared were the footsteps of other babysitters holding his brother back and forth.

He had no choice but to withdraw his sight.

When Su Mi woke up, it was getting late, and the great sunlight poured into the room through the glass windows, covering the whole room with a warm and comfortable warm yellow.

She stretched her waist, her mood brightened with the sun.

After washing, she walked down the stairs slowly, and a small figure jumped up quickly at the top of the stairs, and opened her arms towards her: "Mimi!"

Xiao Chen rushed up in a vigorous step and hugged her.

"Good son."

"You finally woke up." Xiao Chen said with some fear.

Su Mi just checked the time, it was almost ten o'clock, so Xiaochen was worried about her.

She bent over and smiled softly: "I'm sorry my baby, I slept a little late today."

"It's okay. You will recover better if you rest more." Xiao Chen showed the same smile as her.

Su Mi and Xiao Chen went downstairs together. When the butler and others saw her wake up, they each showed a relaxed smile. Finally, Su Mi didn't have any problems.

If she had something to do, let alone Chu Zhuohang and Xiao Chen, neither of them could bear the psychological pressure.

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