Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3046: Awl face with pointed chin

"Hey, fans nowadays eat this kind of awl face with a pointed chin." Someone glanced at Su Mi and shook his head. "A round face like ours suffers from being photographed."

"That's not easy. The doctor can find it well, so don't worry about your sharp chin."

"Haha, I can't be cruel to myself."

Su Mi's native chin is very sharp, it is indeed a very photogenic face, it is not surprising that some people say cold words after seeing it.

A staff member came to Sister Cao's side: "Sister Cao, our general plan is that we still have something to do. We will come over to see you later."

"Okay, don't worry." Sister Cao said.

Although her contacts are still here, Su Mi hasn't been out for work for a long time after all, so Eggplant TV's arrangements for Sister Cao are not the same.

If Su Mi was at its peak, at least she would invite Sister Cao and Su Mi to the office to wait alone, rather than in the dressing room where people came and went.

This is the reality in the entertainment industry.

When other people heard that the chief planner was coming to see Sister Cao, they all put away their ridicule, but they all thought to themselves, Sister Cao would like to go to a party like this tonight by bringing such a newcomer?

Sister Cao really has no one on her hands.

Today, there is also Huang Ying in the rehearsal here.

After Su Mi did not come out to develop, Huang Ying quickly released two new albums. The quality is comparable to Su Mi's level. Although her singing skills are still poor, as a substitute for Su Mi, without the comparison of the original characters, it has been It is more than enough.

Over the past year, her development has progressed like a rocket, quickly replacing Su Mi and becoming the pinnacle among female singers.

So she took the lead in this evening party on Eggplant Satellite TV, and the dressing room can also use her own independent dressing room, without the need to use it with other people.

Her assistant quickly ran over to report: "Sister Ying, Sister Cao is here with the newcomer."

"Then what's to worry about?" Huang Ying didn't lift her head. Sister Cao has no longer looked like a well-known agent in the past year.

Huang Ying also dumped Su Mi a few blocks, afraid that Sister Cao would bring the newcomer?

"But Sister Cao is a good man. If someone really introduces a newcomer, isn't that a problem?" the assistant said.

"What's the background of the newcomer?"

"It's not clear yet, but it is said to be singing. It looks like a singer."

Huang Ying thought secretly: "Sister Cao has always had a way of pushing singers. This is how Su Mi was unearthed by her. If she makes another one with the same qualifications as Su Mi, it will indeed be a big trouble. She strangled in the cradle."

"Tell the chief planner, I want to see him."

The assistant hurried to see the chief planner. The chief planner heard that Huang Ying was going to meet. He came quickly and said with a smile, "Miss Huang."

"I heard that Sister Cao brought someone here today? You want to perform a singing show?"

"Sister Cao is not a newcomer, but Su Mi," the chief planner said.

He still valued Su Mi's coming to power, after all, this was Su Mi's first coming to power after more than a year of absence.

When the time comes to hype it up, the TV ratings will be guaranteed.

Huang Ying was surprised: "Su Mi? Isn't Su Mi dead? She came to power?"

Knowing that she was quick to speak, she said something that shouldn't be said, and hurriedly covered her mouth subconsciously: "I also listened to the news. Su Mi is coming back?"

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