Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3053: Group pictures with masks

The evening parties of several TV stations were held as scheduled.

Because of the good preheating and a lot of hot searches, the ratings of Pumpkin Satellite TV were very good at the beginning.

However, Eggplant Satellite TV quickly overtook it.

Because Huang Ying, in order to support her younger sister, went on stage with her younger sister and sang a chorus.

Said to be a support, in fact, she wants to increase her exposure, and Eggplant Satellite TV will naturally not let go of such an opportunity. Huang Yingzheng becomes popular. This is a mutually beneficial thing for both parties.

After Huang Ying took the stage, the ratings of Eggplant Satellite TV began to surpass Pumpkin Satellite TV, and then kept pressing Pumpkin Satellite TV.

The ratings of several other satellite TVs are also at the same level, and have been maintained at a steady growth level. Although Pumpkin TV and Eggplant TV are in the top two, they do not have a particularly big advantage.

The planning departments of several TV stations are all clutching their hearts. This is the first competition in the past year. Don't have any problems.

It’s okay if you can’t get the first place, but you have to try your best to win the second place. If the ratings are the bottom, then don’t think about bonuses and KPIs, wash your neck and wait for death.

The leaders of several satellite TV stations are also watching closely.

Eggplant Satellite TV has been pressing Pumpkin Satellite TV, and the program is almost halfway through. This situation has not been effectively alleviated.

Lingling suggested: "Let's put Su Mi's picture. This will definitely attract the attention of Su Mi fans."

Her proposal was for the sake of satellite TV, but also a little selfish. She wanted Su Mi's fans to know that Su Mi was back.

As a loyal fan, she wanted to tell everyone who was sticking to the news a long time ago, but she didn't say a word because of professional ethics.

The chief planner thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I will announce that Su Mi is back. Keep the photo. After all, she is a mysterious guest. Her appearance will be revealed in the end!"

Soon, Pumpkin TV released a group of masked photos: "Welcome Su Mi back!"

The photo did not show the face, but sure enough, the effect is better than the face.

Because there had been Reuters of mysterious guests during the rehearsal before, and because of the figure, no one could guess who it was.

Now this group of pictures says that Su Mi is welcome, so is the female singer who is so good in Reuters actually Su Mi?

How can it be?

Who doesn't know that Su Mi is an alternative in the entertainment industry? She herself has been dissed by many people because she is fat, and she herself uses this image which is completely different from other female artists to encourage a large number of women to pursue their true self.

Now, is she skinny like this?

Suddenly, there was a lot of frightening talk: "It hasn't been seen for a year, Su Mi has become a lightning bolt. The rumors did not deceive us, Su Mi is going to have plastic surgery. Dog head."

"Su Mi's fans gave me a slap before, now let's take a look, this figure, this waist, tusk, which liposuction is?"

"It's probably because the face is so trim that I can't see it, so my face is still covered."

"Other female artists have plastic surgery, and they can come out for business the next day. Su Mi is fine. The whole Rong will take a whole year. Hahahaha, which hospital is about to close down."

"Upstairs, after all, Su Mi's figure is really afraid that it will take a whole year."

Because Su Mi's fans haven't reacted yet, so there is no accusation. The following is all the cynicism of other fans.

Lingling switched to her trumpet, to Su Mi's super chat and fan group: "Su Mi is back!"

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