Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3057: So know how to hype

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Fat planner said hurriedly, "I also want to say thank you, do you know that you brought at least half of our KPIs tonight. When you took off the mask just now, The entire traffic is bursting. We have already locked in advance for this year’s evening party to clean up the championship. Hahaha, the eggplant TV side is completely compared by us. It is not an exaggeration to say that this year’s year-end awards, at least half of them are Su Mi, you sent it to us."

"That's what you deserve."

Lingling is also very happy, "I'm motivated to work overtime again! Ooh, so happy!"

It’s the greatest joy to be able to see the idol you like and get bonuses again!


Huang Ying stepped down on Eggplant Satellite TV later than Su Mi.

When she stepped off the stage, she asked the assistant: "What was the ratings when I was on stage?"

Not only is the ratings between TV stations and TV stations better, but also between artists and celebrities.

Whoever has high ratings when he comes on stage has a greater chance of being invited next time, which also means who is more popular. These are all bargaining chips that can be used to negotiate terms at the next job.

Everyone values ​​data very much.

Huang Ying is quite confident about herself. In the year when Su Mi was absent, her data was among the female singers, and no one could match her.

Su Mi's return this time, the fans are almost running, what do you use to fight her?

The assistant's face changed slightly: "Sister Ying, regardless of the single result of the hero, it is nothing to be frustrated for a while."

"What did you say?" Huang Ying asked unhappy.

"What I mean is... Yes, at the same time tonight, the ratings on Pumpkin TV are a bit higher."

Huang Ying squeezed the mineral water bottle in her hand, the water in it burst out, and the water bottle was squeezed.

She took a deep breath: "It's normal to be a little higher. Who makes Su Mi a woman who knows how to hype?"

She stretched out her palm: "I look at the data."

The assistant carefully put the phone on, for fear that the phone would suffer the same fate of the mineral water bottle.

When Huang Ying saw the data, the expression on her face changed several times, changing countless colors, and finally fixed on black.

She originally thought that Su Mi was a little bit more than herself, which was acceptable.

But... this is a little bit more!

The ratings of Pumpkin TV began to surpass halfway through the party, and it was already crushing when Su Mi took off the stage. Two minutes after Su Mi took off her mask, she burst into the dust and sent several other TVs away. Left behind, the win is very beautiful.

After the finale, there were also some chorus and host's thank you words, etc., and the ratings at this moment began to fall.

But there is no doubt that Su Mi achieved the best result tonight, sending Pumpkin TV to a high position in one fell swoop.

The chief planner of Eggplant Satellite TV was so regretful that his intestines were all green. He never expected that Su Mi would still be able to play like this after returning from a farewell, and every game would arouse a wide range of topics.

What he didn't even expect was that Pumpkin Satellite TV's plan used Su Mi's return to the right place and perfectly facilitated Su Mi's return.

This time, it was not only Pumpkin TV's crushing victory over Eggplant TV, but also a head-on confrontation between the two planning teams.

It also means that which TV station can get more and better cooperation with Su Mi in the future.

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