Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3062: Can't keep it

He Han is the one with the best qualifications. He has been well-known before. Among the four of them, he has the best qualifications.

"Sister Su Mi, Sister Cao." He greeted him, and tried to run away with some twist.

Sister Cao stopped him: "What's the matter with your face?"

He Han was a little embarrassed, and turned back, but there were a few marks on his face, which were very obvious.

Artists rely on their faces to eat. Now that He Han looks like this, even if there is something on the face of a normal person, it will be uncomfortable, let alone him.

"This is the result of Zheng Dong's fans pushing and shoving. It's almost alright. I'll just go back and have a rest." He Han finished speaking, turned and ran away.

Su Mi asked: "Sister Cao, what is going on?"

"Before you were pregnant with your child and could not come to the company, Xu Guangrong also resigned and replaced him with a new manager. Originally, Yaoshi Media relied on Mr. Xu’s management internally and you externally. The celebrity gained by storming into battle in the year. When Mr. Xu left, and you didn’t show up, many companies started to rush Yaoshi Media’s resources and artists. There are still many people who say that Yaoshi Media is an unscrupulous garbage company, and those who come in They will all be sent for plastic surgery, and they have to look like they can be praised."

Sister Cao said this, sighing: "It was all nonsense, but some people believed it. Therefore, the person in my hand walked and scattered, and they were almost gone. Only He Han still keeps it. ."

"It doesn't matter if the others leave, but these four, but you dig with one hand, and cultivate with the other, all of them have devoted effort and energy." Su Mi frowned slightly, especially, when she had been attending events before, she had been giving These four people have all kinds of opportunities to show up, and they take them everywhere as the same elder sister.

She will also try to set aside resources for them before, and some advertising endorsements will also be reserved for them.

And now, after three walks in one fell swoop, these people are really worthy of Sister Cao.

Sister Cao shook her head: "Forget it, people who can't be kept will never be kept."

"Then why is He Han being beaten?"

"He Han had the best qualifications before, and Zheng Dong was crushed by him. Who knew that Zheng Dong had signed another company, and he was suddenly praised. There were rumors that Zheng Dong had been in Yaoshi Media before. Red, because He Han suppressed him. As you know, some fans are particularly irrational and can do anything. After this rumor came out, Zheng Dong’s fans came to harass He Han."

Su Mi lowered her head in thought.

Sister Cao said: "The situation in the company is not optimistic, and there are no bodyguards to follow He Han. Moreover, the resources are worrying now. He Han is a newcomer after all. In addition, our artists have been dug too much, and there are too few people left. I There is no way to help them replace resources. Artists like you who bring their own topicality and traffic are in the minority. It's not bad that everyone can earn a notice fee now."

Su Mi moved in her heart and asked, "What about my production team? Are there many people leaving too?"

"Yes, Brother Liu doesn't go out every day, and your new album has not been able to record. The production team fell apart. Everyone was scattered around."

Su Mi knew how Huang Ying's plagiarized songs came from.

Many of her songs are currently only composed and collected professional opinions from the people who have worked on the production team. Most of them are semi-finished products.

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