Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3064: Is it enough?

In one year, the semi-finished products of the songs he created add up to more than two hundred, plus Su Mi's previous creations by herself, let alone one album, even ten or twenty albums are more than enough.

"This, so much?" Even Sister Cao was shocked.

"Not too much, I didn't put the things that I'm not satisfied with here." Liu Enchi said lightly.

In fact, there have always been relatively few newcomers in the entire music scene. In fact, it is not because the music scene cannot accommodate newcomers. The Dragon Empire is a very broad market with a lot to do.

It is because the entire music world has a severe fault, and not many people can provide high-quality music works for the music world.

After all, most singers are not like Su Mi. They can sing and write. Many singers are good at singing, but the company can't provide strong works to help them stabilize the market. Naturally, they can only quickly decline.

And many companies are obsessed with making quick money, and are not willing to invest too much in lyricists, composers, and producers other than celebrities to cultivate such talents.

Even the entire entertainment industry is very eager for quick success and instant profit. Even if there is no work, the company will be popular in various hot searches and other ways, and then make money quickly, and change people immediately if it is not popular.

So in fact, having so many high-quality music works is actually a huge treasure, which can naturally provide a continuous source of energy for singers.

This is the important reason why Huang Ying was able to get a lot of semi-finished Su Mi's works, and was able to quickly defeat Su Mi during Su Mi's absence and occupy the first place as a female singer.

Sister Cao sighed: "You haven't slept for more than a year, right?"

Liu Enchi smiled: "Is it enough?"

"Completely enough, Su Mi still has a lot of songs to use." Sister Cao was overwhelmed with surprise.

Su Mi laughed: "So the top priority now is that I resume my activities while returning the album I owed to the fans. Brother Liu will trouble you recently."

"You have even changed your timbre, and the production must be changed accordingly. But Su Mi, your current voice has a broader range. I have already thought of many plans." Liu Enchi praised her current voice.

"Then let's start." Su Mi smiled.

Because Liu Enchi came back, Su Mi made a public comeback. Many people from the previous production team received a call from Sister Cao and many of them came back. However, there are also a small number of people who have already worked in other companies and have not come back.

Su Mi didn't blame it, after all, she also had to eat.

At dinner in the evening, Su Mi chose to invite people from the production team to eat together.

After so long, after all, he caused them trouble.

Huang Ying’s song is playing in the dining restaurant.

Liu Enchi frowned upon hearing: "Su Mi, how do I remember that this is a song you wrote yourself?"

"Is it familiar?"

"Very familiar, but the production method is different, and the degree of difficulty is slightly lower. This is because Huang Ying's singing skills are worse than you, so the producer should have changed something. What song did you give her?"

"No. But this matter, I will never let it go so easily." Su Mi said.

Liu Enchi knew that she had her own set of methods, and he would write songs and help her make new songs with peace of mind.

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