Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3077: Run out to rub the heat

Wu Youshui is also very happy: "It's really cool to be able to beat Sister Cao and Su Mi. Moreover, after the number of albums stabilized this time, your position in the future will be stable. You don't have to compare with Su Mi. You are yourself. By myself."

Indeed, there are three best-selling albums in the music industry. That is to say, Huang Ying's position is stable in the future, so there is no need to rush to release albums, and there is no need to compare with others. The title after Xiaoge has been locked in advance.

"Su Mi is nothing but that." Huang Ying smiled.

Wu Youshui picked her up and threw her on the bed: "Who should I thank?"

"Thank you, Angkor. If you didn't reveal the fact that Chi Lin likes women, I deliberately pleased her and asked her to help me publicize. Su Mi will definitely dominate me again this time. They are really good. It's so insidious."

Wu Youshui started to attack: "As long as you follow me, you will defeat Su Mi in the future!"

Huang Ying is indulgent, everything is under control.


On Su Mi's side, after the release of the new album, she began to form a team of lawyers to deal with Huang Ying's use of her own composition.

Many of Su Mi's works will be shown to the production team after they have been written, seeking advice and help. She was suddenly pregnant when she was pregnant, so many of the things she gave were left without follow-up.

Then the production team fell apart, and someone gave her things to Huang Ying to use, which directly contributed to the best-selling of Huang Ying's three consecutive albums.

This is of course the reason why her producer is not bad, but the most basic is that Huang Ying used Su Mi's composition.

However, Huang Ying and the people who betrayed Su Mi did not expect that after Su Mi's tunes were written, all of them were registered and directly filed with the National Copyright Administration.

When Wei Yuxin plagiarized her music, it sounded the alarm for her and made her think so that she should never get involved in such troubles in the future.

Su Mi first stabilized the fans' hearts with the new album, and now it is time to use legal means to get back what Huang Ying swallowed.

On Weibo, Huang Ying’s album had a good news. It was over 1 million and over 2 million. The total amount was close to Su Mi, and the total amount surpassed Su Mi.

Every time, there will be the last hot search, and every last hot search, it will once again promote her album to sell more.

Chi Lin is also actively contacting Huang Ying for the best variety shows of several major TV stations and cheering for her new album.

That night, Huang Ying appeared on the best family carnival show in China, promoting her album in the show.

At the same time, Wu Youshui and Huang Ying's company received a lawyer's letter from Yaoshi Media.

Yaoshi Media also published a lawyer’s letter on Weibo: “Huang Ying and his company’s three albums all use songs composed by Su Mi to varying degrees. This act infringes Su Mi’s interests and is the copyright of Dragon Empire. Protection and creation protection have also brought serious harm. Now we will file a lawsuit against Ms. Huang Ying and her brokerage company and production company in order to face it."

At the moment, Huang Ying is still on stage. This is a live show with high ratings. Wu Youshui helped her buy several hot searches to increase her popularity and popularity.

When the lawyer's letter appeared in front of everyone, everyone was not only surprised, but also angry.

Especially Huang Ying's fans felt that Su Mi was shameless to the extreme. At this time, she ran out to get the heat!

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