Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 308: You can verify by yourself

"I can't tell it." He Yiming no longer wants to talk to her.

He waved his hand: "You can go now!"

"Then we will clean up the two in the future, right?" Ye Shu stepped forward anxiously, staring at him seriously with his eyes widened.

He Yiming didn't look at her: "Yes."

"Then you remember to tell your orderly to stop him from scaring me again."

"I know." Is this woman annoying?

Yeshubartly continued: "Also, if you are really injured, don't shy away from the doctor. Tell the doctor, the doctor will help you figure out a solution. Don't do it, after all, your health is also related to the soul of the entire army. "

Ye Shu guessed that he might not be cut off, but he was hurt a lot. It was only because of the man's face that he was eager to clarify to the outside world.

So she must remind him.

"..." He Yiming was speechless.

"And..." Ye Shu also wanted to urge him to pay attention to other injuries as well, because it was out of humanitarian concern.

He Yiming suddenly stood up, with a deep meaning in his low voice: "Is there any injury? You can come over and check for me!"

"Try it yourself, is it broken or injured. Huh?"

"..." Now it was Ye Shu's turn to be speechless.

She flushed immediately and put her hands together: "Looking at General He's face now healthy, the Yintang is bright, and the sound is like Hongzhong, it must be healthy. A hundred years of Antai, there must be no injury, no no!"

"Get off." He Yiming gritted his teeth and roared.

His patience was about to be polished by the woman in front of him.

Ye Shu didn't want to say this, and hurried to the door.

"Get back!" He Yiming saw that her necklace on the table in front of him had not been taken away.

Where did Ye Shu dare to roll back, fearing that he would cause trouble again, and fearing that he would say anything to irritate him, he ran and said, "I'm already rolling away!"

She quickly ran downstairs, pulled up He Ning and ran out.

"What happened?" He Ning was puzzled by her.

"I also want to know what happened. He Yiming said that he was not hurt, and we were cleaned up." Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "So let me go."

He Ning stopped: "Then why are we running?"

"But he looks fierce and wicked. I can't wait to eat me. He has a look of jealousy towards me. I don't know whether he is hurt or not. What if he changes his mind and let me pay?" Ye Shu thought of He Yiming, who had a dark face, and became more and more serious Feel terrible.

It's better to leave as soon as possible before he changes his mind.

When He Ning thought about it, it was true that he followed Ye Shu and ran a long way before stopping.

He Yiming's expression changed when he saw the two women running away from his residence as if they were afraid of some scourge in the window.

Is he so scary?

When they ran out, Qin Zheng and Shen Jingyu arranged to pick up their car.

He Ning got in the car and thought of Shen Jingyu to perform the task, and couldn't help asking: "Qin Zheng, do you know what task Jingyu is performing?"

"Well, I don't know what happened in the Third Master's army," Qin Zheng said.

He Ning had no choice but to forget it.

Qin Zheng glanced at He Ning in the rearview mirror. Although he didn't know what Shen Jingyu was going to accomplish this time, it seemed urgent and dangerous.

But this kind of thing is inappropriate for him to tell He Ning.

"Actually... this task was originally performed by General He Yiming and He." Qin Zheng said what he had learned.

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