Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3083: Fooling and teasing

"Could it be that Huang Ying really stole Su Mi's song and let her manager take the blame?"

"I think it must be. You haven't seen those seniors who refuse to support her anymore."

"If it's really a thief, I suggest letting the thief quit the entertainment industry and don't bring any bad children."

"Distressed Su Mi, what did she do wrong, to be used so many songs by Huang Ying."

"It's no wonder that Huang Ying was able to rely on three albums to gain a foothold. It turns out that all three albums were stolen. Especially when Su Mi was away, she used other people's things unscrupulously. It's really enough!"

"I'm afraid I deserved it!"

Huang Ying didn't know why Chi Lin suddenly changed her attitude towards herself.

But in her heart, she was able to guess one or two. After all, she knew exactly how she used Chi Lin.

She couldn't contact Chi Lin again, and heard the gossip that Chi Lin had already taken a plane to a foreign country for vacation and would not be back in a short time.

Unable to rely on Chi Lin to help her wash the black material on her body, Huang Ying must do something to reverse the disadvantage of public opinion against her.

After deliberation, she decided to let Wu Youshui leave temporarily.

As long as Wu Youshui leaves, giving the outside world the impression that Wu Youshui has done something wrong and was expelled, then her situation will naturally be eased.

Of course, President Wang especially agreed with this approach.

For a businessman like him, a Huang Ying can make money and sleep with him, but losing one Wu Youshui can have thousands of Wu Youshui.

The company quickly drew up a plan to expel Wu Youshui and issued a public statement.

When Wu Youshui received this notice, he did not expect such a situation to happen.

He also had a foreboding in his heart, and foreseeing it, Huang Ying planned to let herself take care of everything.

However, if you really leave the company and will have no value to Huang Ying in the future, can you still honor the words Huang Ying said?

Can I really be with Huang Ying?

All of this made him unsatisfied and dissatisfied.

He intends to talk to Huang Ying.

This time, instead of calling Huang Ying first, he went to the place where Huang Ying rented.

Huang Ying knew that he would come, so she cried helplessly: "I can't help it. The company must do this."

"I know, I understand your difficulties. It doesn't matter, for our future, I am willing to be wronged." Wu Youshui hid his true emotions. After sleeping with Huang Ying, Huang Ying went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Wu Youshui first found her mobile phone and opened WeChat with the password she had secretly memorized. He wanted to know how she talked with the company and what she thought.

If she doesn't have any two minds, he can help her take care of it this time.

WeChat opened in front of Wu Youshui's eyes, and he quickly saw the contents.

The others are okay, but the conversations and photos sent between Huang Ying and Mr. Wang were unsightly. Everything was shown, and they hooked up when they looked for it.

And this time, they were just planning to let themselves take the blame.

Wu Youshui got angry from the ground.

Not only the pain of being betrayed, but also the feeling of being fooled and teased.

It turned out that from the very beginning, I was just a tool man, at the mercy of others, he was arbitrarily rounded and flattened in the hands of others.

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