Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3085: Disgusting

#黄颖潜标#, #黄颖睡校园#, #黄颖和刘恩驰 turned out to be male and female friends#, #黄颖謬trap#, #黄颖滚出娱乐圈#, etc., all the hot searches are about to explode .

The last time there were so many hot searches in one breath, it was Su Mi's comeback that almost paralyzed Weibo.

But Su Mi's comeback, plastic surgery of those suspicions, not to mention whether it is true, even if it is true, it is only a personal choice, and has nothing to do with morality and three views.

Huang Ying's these things are different. Just sleeping with the boss and stepping on two boats, these behaviors have already made people spit lotus.

Not to mention that she led everyone to scold Liu Enchi before, specifically to jump into the Yellow River so black that they could not be cleaned, and directly called the police and sent others to the police station.

"I didn't expect Huang Ying to be such a person!!! I was really shocked by the real-name system!!!"

"What kind of idol did I fan [cry]"

"Trust Huang Ying! Support her forever!"

"How to believe? These are all real hammers, okay? Especially about Liu Enchi. There are many intimate group photos of the two people. Even if they are not in love, it can't be said that Liu Enchi forcibly molested her, right?"

"Hey, I've heard those songs arranged by Liu Enchi, I'm really talented. I didn't expect it was really misunderstood."

"Get out of the yellow chicken! The yellow chicken is really shameless. Is this sleeping all the male staff around you?"

"It's disgusting [the old man looks at the phone face on the subway]"

"In the future, I really don't dare to fan anyone sincerely. Really, this Nima is too slapped."

"Do you want to fall in love? The kind of [狗头] that wants to enter the game?"

Overnight, Huang Ying turned into a laughing stock.

But even her last reliance, Mr. Wang, didn't care about her anymore, and didn't help her fight the crime, what else could she do?

At this point, the series of effects triggered by her stealing of Su Mi's song is finally over here.

It's hard to tell which step she went wrong, maybe, the things she did to hurt others have long reserved enough for her today's fiasco.


In a bar, Liu Enchi was holding a wine glass, pouring wine into his stomach glass by glass.

Since being slandered by Huang Ying, he has never been so happy.

Now, he was just being paid back for justice.

Falling in love with Huang Ying, even when Huang Ying tore him the most ugly, he did not stand up and directly clarify and wash for himself.

He always remembered that love between two people was not easy, and he didn't want to cast a shadow over everything related to relationships.

The truth is clear, besides being cheerful, he also has regrets.

Who wants his first love to be such an unbearable past?

"Can you join together?"

Liu Enchi looked up and saw that the person standing in front of him was Su Mi.

He smiled: "Sit down."

Su Mi sat down, ordered a glass of juice, and sipped slowly.

Liu Enchi smiled even more: "Aren't you afraid of me and you being photographed?"

"I dare to come, I am not afraid of being photographed." Su Mi raised a confident smile.

Liu Enchi didn't say anything, he still drank cup by cup, but instead of just filling it as before, he changed to a gentle way and managed it slowly.

Su Mi didn't say much, just sat opposite him, drinking her own juice.

Liu Enchi couldn't drink anymore, but his eyes were still bright. Su Mi knew that after tonight, he was relieved.

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