Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3088: Half of it belongs to him

Chu Zhuohang picked up his youngest son, but his younger brother was a little dissatisfied when he was picked up. He was learning to read, but he couldn't speak yet, so he could only express his protest with dancing and dancing.

Chu Zhuohang was amused by him and laughed: "I think he is pretty good."

"The fever will go away and it will be better. Just now, I was really a little unhealthy."

Chu Zhuohang put him on the picture book, and he climbed up to look at the picture on it seriously.

Chu Zhuohang raised his wrist and glanced at the time: "Then I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up now."

"If you can't make it, don't make it. My son is cuter than those trophies."

Chu Zhuohang leaned down: "Your husband is also very cute."

Su Mi chuckled: "Where is my husband cute?"

Chu Zhuohang raised his eyebrows, expressing his displeasure.

"My husband is obviously handsome and handsome."

Chu Zhuohang was satisfied now.

After the younger brother's fever subsided, his spirit recovered as before. He crawled around on the sofa, occasionally stood up on the sofa, and slowly moved two steps. The toddler learns quite well.

Almost, Chu Zhuohang led the two little guys to take a bath.

Xiao Chen is now gender-conscious and refuses to let Su Mi bathe him.

He washes most of them himself, and Chu Zhuohang sometimes does it for him.

Since the elder son has been done for him, most of the time, he will wash the younger son along with him.

Su Mi's trivial matters, things that can worry about her two sons, are really not too many.

Not to mention that she is a mother. Even the other nanny in the family feel that this job is easy enough. Although the male owner is busy, he must get along with his two sons at night when he goes home. Things have always been done by others.

During the holidays, it would make the nanny even more happy. Chu Zhuohang would lead his two sons to play around as long as he was free. Now everyone is used to discussing widowed parenting and fatherly love on the Internet. Seeing Chu Zhuo Hang feels that those on the Internet are also exaggerated, and there are not no good men.

Seeing that her two sons were taken to the bathroom, Su Mi did not follow. Xiao Chen would be shy now, and he would be embarrassed if she went to her.

She planned to take a shower first. This evening dress was really unaccustomed to wearing at home.

Just about to take a bath, Sister Cao called.

Su Mi picked it up smoothly.

Sister Cao’s excited voice over there: "Su Mi, you won! The most popular original song award! Liu Enchi accepted the award on your behalf! Congratulations, you are amazing!"

Su Mi smiled: "Thank you."

"I know you are very capable, but you have only come back after all. I am still a little worried that I will only accompany you this time. I really did not expect that it is the speed at which the gold shines so fast, your efforts have been recognized, and it has entered everyone's attention. in."

Su Mi listened to Sister Cao's words, and her heart was also filled with the efforts she had made countless times in the singing room.

However, the success of all this is also inseparable from Chu Zhuohang's efforts.

Although she has given birth to two sons, her mentality is getting more relaxed and younger.

It was the man who gave her the best, guarding her in a specific space, allowing her to create and do what she likes without thinking about anything else.

He gave her far more than she wanted before.

Half of the awards she won belonged to him.

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