Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3090: Can't refuse

After Su Mi heard about it, she asked, "Is this schedule tight?"

Although the younger brother's condition is healed, the child's fever is easy to recur. She is afraid that his younger brother will be ill when she is away.

The child is not there when he needs it the most, and when he is there at other times, it can't make up too much.

Sister Cao was particularly able to understand Su Mi’s feelings, and said with a smile: “I’ve asked about it a long time ago. I just knew that the schedule is not too tight, so I talked to you. This reality show is a show of making food in the countryside. The recording time is four days and three nights each time. When there is no special schedule in the evening, you can still have a holiday without living in the program group. Would you like to try it?"

"Then I will think about it first." Su Mi said, "I will give you an answer tomorrow morning."


Su Mi hung up and went to see her brother.

The younger brother was crawling behind his older brother. He was about to walk but couldn't walk. He was full of energy, used all fours together, and moved quickly. When Xiao Chen ran there, he would run with his hands and feet and on the ground.

Su Mi was really reluctant to leave. Xiao Chen was about to enter the first grade, and her younger brother was now teething and learning words, she didn't want to let go of either.

Chu Zhuohang walked over from the side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her: "Thinking about the reality show?"

"Have you heard?"

"Sister Cao sent me the information, I just read it." Chu Zhuohang always pays attention to her important itinerary.

Many itinerary decisions are also made under his supervision.

Sister Cao knew that this matter was of great importance, so she reported it to Chu Zhuohang early in the morning.

"Although Sister Cao said that this show has a great opportunity and is of great benefit to me, I still don't plan to go. I have to record at least six episodes, four days at a time, plus the travel itinerary, with a little bit of intermittent in the middle. Months are gone. Now it happens to be summer vacation again, how many opportunities I have to miss to spend time with my son."

Chu Zhuohang smiled: "If I said, can I take my son with you?"

"Are you?" Su Mi smiled and shook her head, "You have too much work, so you don't need to give up specifically to accompany me."

She will feel distressed too.

"A lot of my work can be handed over to the people below, and some urgent work can be solved remotely. Besides, I also promised Chen Bao that I will accompany him to the countryside during the summer vacation."

Chu Zhuohang waved, and Xiao Chen ran all the way, "Mimi, are you discussing going to the countryside for a holiday? I really want to go! I want to plant trees and pick fruits!"

Su Mi smiled gently: "Yes, where do you like to go?"

"Any place where there is land and woods is fine."

Su Mi knew that she couldn't refuse her own reality show this time, even for her son.

She glanced at Chu Zhuohang and knew how much effort he had made to coordinate from it.

The younger brother crawled over, grabbing Su Mi's trouser legs to hug.

Su Mi hugged him, he looked at Dadbi and Mommy again, split his mouth and smiled. The mouth that was teething couldn't cover the saliva, and the saliva flowed out after brushing the floor, causing Su Mi to laugh all the time.

Chu Zhuohang reached out to take it, and skillfully took out a new saliva towel from his suit pocket and put it on for him, then put him on the ground, and he quickly climbed far away.

There is a nanny guarding over there, and the overall decoration structure is suitable for the little guy to crawl around, so there is no need to worry about him getting hurt.

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