Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3095: Contact with nature

When Su Mi arrived, Xiao Chen ran to open the door, mud all over her face, and she couldn't see her nose or eyes.

"Chen Bao, what are you doing?" Su Mi asked amusedly.

"Take them to pick vegetables in the field, but they fell into the mud." Chu Zhuohang said with a smile.

Su Mi couldn't help laughing again. Xiao Chen couldn't help but smile after seeing her in the mirror on the side: "Tomorrow I will go picking fruits."

"Okay, I will go with you. I will only shoot for half a day tomorrow." Su Mi smiled.

Without filming the next morning, Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi took Xiao Chen and his brother to an orchard to pick fruits.

This orchard is a farm orchard with many types of fruits. This season, not only grapes, but also cherries and lychees can be picked.

Various fruits hang on the branches, red, yellow and purple, very attractive.

Xiao Chen looked straight and said, "Can I pick all of these?"

"Of course it can." Chu Zhuohang has already said to the farmers, and the fruits here are for tourists to pick.

However, in order to protect the privacy of his family, Chu Zhuohang contracted here today.

Xiao Chen took off his coat and ran towards the fruit forest.

Cherries and lychee trees are both low and low, and they are very easy to pick. His eyes are overwhelming, and his hands can't stop.

It was also the first time for my younger brother to see so many fruit trees. The fruits on them were all hung, and the branches were bent. The heavy fruits looked very attractive.

The younger brother stretched out his hand to grab, but he didn't take off anything, but his face was flushed with joy, and he waved his hands and wanted to grab anything.

Su Mi is fortunate to have accepted this program and can experience nature and get close to nature with her two sons.

Xiao Chen was particularly interested in these things. When he couldn't reach high places, Chu Zhuohang reached out and picked him up, lifted him up on his shoulders, so that he could pick the topmost fruit.

Xiao Chen picked a big handful and said, "Daddy, let's go to Mi Mi."

Chu Zhuohang strode to Su Mi's side, and Xiao Chen held the picked cherries to Su Mi: "Mi Mi, this is for you."

"Thank Chen Bao."

"This is for my brother." Xiao Chen grabbed a hand and gave it to his brother.

The younger brother held it in his hand and just thought it was fun. Su Mi taught him to speak: "Thank you, brother. That's brother, brother."

The younger brother laughed all the time, and his voice was vague: "Gege...", causing Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi to laugh all the time.

Chu Zhuohang raised his head and asked Xiao Chen, "What about me?"

"This is for Dad." He put one in Chu Zhuohang's mouth.

After playing for one noon, Xiao Chen and his brother were tired.

After lunch, the two children fell asleep so tired.

"Let them take a nap. I'm going to shoot." Su Mi looked at her two sons with a smile.

"I send you."

"Don't give it away, the camera should catch you in a while." Su Mi got out of the car, then turned around, put a kiss on his cheek, and then hurried away.

Chu Zhuohang touched the position of his cheek, his lips slightly raised.

The next shooting went smoothly.

One day later, the first filming was over.

It will take another two days for the next shooting.

Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang did not leave, and accompanied Xiao Chen and his younger brother to get in touch with nature here.

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