Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 310: He does not love me

"Brother, haven't you rested yet?" He Peishan's voice was gentle and caring, "I have said it, you are not allowed to be busy so late."

"Aren't you, you're not good, you still don't sleep now?"

He Peishan whispered: "How is Brother Yu? I haven't heard from him for a few days."

"It's okay, don't worry. Don't think about it so much."

He Yiming said a few words to her gently and coaxed her to rest. He didn't hang up the phone until her side was stable.

He Peishan came to this world to save him. Others can abandon her, and Shen Jingyu can have no feelings for her.

But he will always have to take on her responsibility.

He Peishan hung up the phone, lying on the bed with his eyes open.

She sleeps every day, she has slept too much, and sometimes when she ought to sleep, she can't fall asleep.

He Birong came over and tucked the quilt for her.

"Aunt, I really want to see the woman who met Brother Yu." This is a thorn in He Peishan's heart. It hurts if it can't be pulled out.

"Don't be stupid. What you should do now is to sleep well." He Birong sang her a good night song gently.

If Shanshan showed up, that woman would be able to retreat. Why should He Birong wait until now?

She didn't let Shanshan see the woman, and didn't let the woman know Shanshan, she just protected Shanshan.

How can Shanshan's body stand up to others' concerns?

However, she would gradually pour a factor of suspicion into He Ning's heart, and slowly destroy the weak trust between her and Shen Jingyu.

He Yiming hung up the phone and took a look outside. He Ning's car was still parked outside.

It seemed that she was still waiting at the door and did not leave.

He didn't want to pay attention to this woman.

He Yiming lay down after washing and tossing for a while.

In the end, he sat up and walked downstairs.

He Ning's eyes lit up when he saw him.

Liang Yan said hurriedly: "General, this woman, like the brown sugar, just refuses to leave..."

"Come in." He Yiming said in a deep voice.

He Ning was overjoyed and walked in.

Liang Yan had to agree with He Yiming's decision.

He Ning walked into his study following He Yiming's footsteps.

"What are you looking for me for?" He Yiming asked.

"General He, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I just want to ask about Jingyu's situation..." He Ning said softly, "Maybe the only person who knows his situation is you."

He Yiming said lazily: "Then you may ask the wrong person, I don't know."

"Jingyu is performing the task on your behalf. I don't expect to know what he is doing and where. I just want to know if he is good." He Ning thought it was inconvenient for him to disclose military information, so he lowered his requirements even more.

He Yiming glanced at her, she had a pair of clear and moving eyes, which were shining brightly.

It was a pair of talking eyes that made him look a little soft.

But when he thought of his sister, he hardened his heart again: "Do you love Shen Jingyu very much?"

He Ning was startled slightly.

She never asked herself this question seriously, nor did she dare to answer herself seriously.

Facing He Yiming's very probing gaze, she didn't even know how to answer for a while.

"Then you know, does he love you?" He Yiming asked sharply.

"He... doesn't love me." He Ning gave an affirmative answer this time, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips.

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