Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3102: all natural

Huang Xiaojiu clenched his teeth secretly, yes, the entire circle at the moment is eager to know who Su Mi's doctor is. They all want to find that doctor, and change himself accordingly.

Su Mi's current appearance is really too enviable and enviable.

But, no matter what, Huang Xiaojiu couldn't do anything to Su Mi.

Huang Xiaojiu was full of unwillingness.

Because of her temporary withdrawal, the program team issued a simple statement, which was an explanation to the audience.

This caused great worry and dissatisfaction among Huang Xiaojiu's diehard fans.

Although she does not have many fans, there are also a small group who are very loyal, especially an otaku fan who has always regarded Huang Xiaojiu as the goddess of her dreams. Hearing that Huang Xiaojiu was injured, she was very worried and kept sending private messages to her agent for inquiries. Happening.

The agent then said casually: "Crashed with Su Mi, both of them were a little injured. But Xiao Jiu was injured a bit more."

After the otaku fan heard about it, she felt distressed and asked a lot of questions. The agent naturally wouldn't tell him the truth, just let him not worry about it, and there was no big problem.

The otaku fan originally lived near the recorded show. He planned to try his luck and see if he could meet Huang Xiaojiu.

Not only did he not encounter anyone this time, but he also heard that his goddess was injured. He was very worried. After all inquiries, he finally found out about the hospital where Su Mi and Huang Xiaojiu had been examined, and went straight to the hospital.

Although the hospital will keep it secret, many young nurses still talk about it after checking two big stars this time.

When the otaku fans ran in, they heard two little nurses whispering softly: "Oh, you didn't see it, Su Mi really shines in white, my God, I really haven't seen such a beautiful girl. ."

"Huang Xiaojiu is okay, but compared with Su Mi, it's far behind."

"Yes, yes, I always think Huang Xiaojiu is pretty good, but it's a pity that she has never been popular. Now that I see her standing with Su Mi, I know the gap between people. Sure enough, it's not popular. Red is for a reason."

The otaku fans were annoyed when they heard that their goddess was being talked about, but they couldn't say anything. They continued to listen. At last they heard what they said Su Mi and Huang Xiaojiu went to for examinations, and the results of the examinations were still a little bit better. words.

The otaku fan waited until there was no one, then quietly sneaked into the department where they had been examined, and after looking through it for a while, they finally found two examination result sheets.

He looked at the x-ray examination sheet, although he didn't understand it very well, he also found that both of them were about facial examinations.

The examination of one showed that there was nothing wrong, but the other had shadows on the bridge of the nose. It should be something wrong with the bridge of the nose.

However, there is no receipt and content of the treatment, only one that says "Consider the redness and swelling caused by the fracture of the nasal bridge", but the name of the patient is not written.

Because Huang Xiaojiu's agent had already approached the doctor, the doctor finally agreed that Huang Xiaojiu's name would not be recorded in the hospital's backup data.

In order to treat everyone equally, Su Mi's name was not marked in the inspection result.

In this way, when the otaku fan got the things, he couldn't tell which one belonged to whom, but he had a very firm idea in his heart that his goddess must be pure and natural and would never have plastic surgery.

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