Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3113: Two words, convinced

Chu Zhuohang specifically told Sister Cao and Xiao Ke again.

Sister Cao held out a box of chocolates: "It's ready."

Chu Zhuohang turned around and left.

Therefore, the fans sitting in the front row finally saw the best position, and finally came. From the back of their heads, it can be inferred that he is a handsome guy, but he can't see exactly how handsome he is.

With the long screams, the fans couldn't bother to see the handsome guy, and all looked up on the stage.

Su Mi sat on the lifting platform and fell from the sky, like a fairy descending into the world, a beam of chasing light hit her, making her as holy as an angel.

The screams came one after another.

Su Mi spoke, the sound of the heavens sounded, and the screams in the audience diminished, until they disappeared, and the audience was full of angel voices from Su Mi softly singing.

Two hours passed too fast. Until Su Mi returned twice, the host also came out and told everyone that Su Mi would not return again. Please pay attention to leave safely and orderly. Everyone reluctantly appeared on the scene.

I haven't heard enough, the strong song bursts, the slow song is soft, and every capital is deeply trapped in it.

When they left, everyone was still thinking about it.

Fang Lan leaned on Zhuang Shihao's shoulder: "I really want to keep listening like this."

Zhuang Shihao kept his arms around her waist just now, afraid that she would fall, and said, "Me too."

"Is it nice?" Fang Lan smiled.

Zhuang Shihao smiled, his waist is quite soft.

Haixing took the phone and sent n thumbs to Su Mi on WeChat: "Two words, convinced!"

Lu Tongtong, go out with the little sister, the whole person is dizzy like hypoxia, the little sister keeps saying: "I want to save money, I want to work, I want to listen to Su Mi's Next time! Mom, I really want to marry Su Mi!"

Lu Tongtong patted her head: "Be more sober, this is not legal in our country."

The two were walking, Lu Tongtong subconsciously stopped, and saw the oncoming man in front of him.

"I think of something else, you go first, I won't be with you." Lu Tongtong said to the little sister.

Her little sister herself also lived nearby. She told her to be careful and ran away. She was busy going back to edit pictures and watch videos. This concert tonight is definitely worth recollecting.

Lu Tongtong slowly walked towards Lin Qingyuan, the man's expression was unclear, and when she approached, he said, "You won't spend my birthday with me, but come to see the concert?"

"That one……"

"Is that what you said to be busy with the tutor doing the project?"

Lu Tongtong felt the low air pressure, folded her hands together, and was about to apologize. Lin Qingyuan had already taken the lead and pressed her against the wall, followed by a heavy kiss.


"Successfully ended, congratulations!"


There is a voice of congratulations in the backstage. A concert often uses countless manpower. Su Mi is the one standing on the stage, and there are countless staff members in the backstage.

The concert ended smoothly and they were also extremely happy.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone." Su Mi bowed and thanked everyone one by one, "I invite you to supper at night, you are welcome."

"Thank you Su Mi." The staff thanked them happily and excitedly.

Sister Cao smiled and said, "Go backstage and remove your makeup."

"I'll go too." Xiao Ke said hurriedly.

"Where can I use you?" Sister Cao reminded.

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