Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3118: Concise and understandable story

After that, she suffered a lot of injuries, and the man behind her was also protecting her.

Dafan soon spoke: "We like Mi Mi. We can't stand by and watch the injuries she has suffered. No matter what, as long as people continue to fan her, let's unite."

Soon, based on what Su Mi said, the fans wrote a long article about the original incident, and published it with reason and evidence to refute those who said that Su Mi had acted improperly and deliberately deceived the fans.

"Su Mi was deceived because she believed in a relationship too much. She gave birth to her first child because she had no choice."

"She didn't deceive us. When she gave birth to her first child, she hadn't even entered the entertainment circle. There was no need to disclose her private life to us."

"Now she has chosen to be honest and right, which is the best explanation to us. Shouldn't it be the scumbag, the deceitful girlfriend, and the scumbag's mother who should be condemned?"

"If it weren't for the mother of the scumbag, the scumbag was about to die soon and asked Su Mi to give birth to a child and kidnapped her with morality, then the first child would not be born."

"Fortunately, the person Su Mi had a relationship with was not a scumbag, but the true son of her life afterwards. This is a thankful thing."

"When Su Mi gave birth to her second child, she didn't deliberately not tell us, but there was a drug in her body that was given by her best friend, which caused her to become unconscious."

One by one, the fans made it very clear.

Moreover, Sister Cao and Chu Zhuohang did not completely let the matter go to the fans. They also let people write very detailed and easy-to-understand stories, telling everyone what happened before Su Mi.

And the writing is very good, so that people can fully feel why Su Mi happened in the first place.

And it has refined a very concise and concise central idea, even for people who don’t like to read long articles, they can quickly get to the core of the whole article.

Soon, everyone had the whole story in their minds.

Although there are a small number of fans who have taken off their fans, most fans and passers-by also expressed their understanding of Su Mi.

"It wasn't Su Mi's active choice to have a relationship at the time or to have a child. It was completely because the scumbag wanted Su Mi to accompany the client. Fortunately, the child was not a scumbag."

"That's right, isn't it? Su Mi knew that when she had a child, she chose to remove the child as soon as possible. Although this is also very harmful to the body, it is not recommended for everyone to follow suit, but it is also a helpless choice and a good way to stop losses. It’s just that the scumbag family has to morally kidnap Su Mi to leave the child."

"What's even more hateful is that after the child was born, the scumbag family knew that it was not theirs, but they wanted to throw the child away. It's really hateful!"

"The drugged girlfriends are also extremely hateful. It turns out that Mi Mi got fat because of such things, but it really hurts! It's really fireproof, anti-theft and anti-girlfriend!"

"I checked. It turns out that the scumbag family is now bankrupt. It's really happy! Mimiji people have their own things, and if you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing!"

Although the matter was very upset, the firm support of fans and the effective public relations of Chu Zhuohang and Cao Sister stabilized the matter in a controllable range.

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