Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3121: Cherish fame

The new manager of Yaoshi Media is named Wang Chang, who was replaced by Xu Rongrong after he left.

He was not familiar with Su Mi's private life, let alone she was with Chu Zhuohang.

Su Mi was on a business trip abroad during the two days when Su Mi said he wanted to refund all concert tickets.

After returning, he got off the plane and heard the news.

He suddenly rushed into his blood, rushed back to the company dizzy, and went directly to the offices of Sister Cao and Su Mi.

"Who asked you to refund the ticket money? Who approved it? 400 million! A full 400 million! How much effort and cost was spent in this process? Ah? Didn't you think about it one by one? Why? Don't wait for me to come back and approve?"

Wang Chang was so angry that he sat down on Cao's office chair, heartbroken.

All the four hundred million will be returned. Not only will it not make money, but the cost will also be added.

He is not only distressed about these profits, he also distressed about the cost.

The situation in Yaoshi Media was not good in the first two years. Su Mi only improved after coming back. To train new talents, to spend money on packaging, and to ask for money everywhere. As a manager, his head is often big enough to be able to do it. Pull back some investment.

Su Mi said that the flowers were just spent, and it was a tricky trick. How could he accept it?

Su Mi looked at him calmly: "President Wang, I will bear the loss of this money."

Wang Chang sat up: "You will bear it? How do you bear it? Do you think you have a lot of money? Not that I said that it is not easy for you to make money. How long will it take to save enough money? The path of female artists is not as easy as you think. Being able to make money now does not mean that you can make money in the future. Opportunities are fleeting, and the golden age of female artists is also fleeting. You spend all your wealth and life in it, what will you do in the future?"

Wang Chang glanced at her again: "What's more, you can't afford such a large sum of money with your deposits. Listen to me, refund half, and the company will pay you a quarter of the loss. You will do the rest. Burden."

Wang Chang is also a good person. I have to say that his proposal is actually for Su Mi's sake.

As a manager, it is not easy for the company to help Su Mi bear a quarter of the loss. He also has to consider the operations of the entire company and the interests of other personnel.

Su Mi is very grateful: "No need for Mr. Wang, my husband has already paid the money."

Wang Chang: "..."

Wang Chang: "..."

He had forgotten that Su Mi had just disclosed the pregnancy and childbirth.

The four hundred million just now smashed him, and what was going to smash him was things like pregnancy, childbirth and marriage.

Wang Chang suddenly couldn't breathe well. He was only in his thirties, but his heart became as fragile as he was in his sixties.

He pointed to Su Mi: "How many times have you, you, you...I have warned you, female artists in particular must cherish fame, cherish fame! You still spend so much money from your husband! After you let your fans know What do you think? You are also an independent woman, how can you rely on a man and be a weak dodder flower?"

Subconsciously, he regarded Su Mi's husband as an old man, so he was so heartbroken.

After all, there are only a handful of men in the entire business circle who can come up with 400 million in one go. They are not the kind of old men who have worked hard for many years. Who can spend so much money?

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