Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3123: Old father's mentality

Hearing that someone asked Su Mi to endorse this kind of parent-child advertisement, Chu Zhuohang couldn't help but laugh.

However, as she said, this reaction in the market means that everyone no longer regards her affairs as black material. Before, it was only fans who protected her. Now, the entire market is responding like this.

The crisis is finally over.

However, Su Mi and Sister Cao have no such thoughts yet.

Telling fans this matter frankly, the original intention is not to let fans have more speculations, so as not to be used by those who are interested, instead of involving the two children.

Su Mi doesn’t want to be fixed by her identity as Mommy. As a singer, she still has a lot of talents to show, and she still has a lot of songs to bring to everyone. She is based on the self in the market, not other identities. .

Protecting children is also very important.

One month later, the refund channel for ticket purchases has been closed.

In total, less than 20% of the fans refunded the ticket money, and the rest of the fans did not ask for the money.

As fans, their biggest hope is that Su Mi can live a better life. The concert is a legal income that she has spent her own efforts to earn. They can't bear to deprive them, so they didn't get the money back.

Sister Cao also handled the money properly in accordance with Su Mi's request.

Su Mi airborne super talk, thank all fans for this matter.

The whole Chaohua became a sea of ​​joy, and everyone was immersed in the joy of Su Mi's visit.


Su Mi's new work will continue, and new songs will also continue to be composed and auditioned.

Wang Chang, who has never directly managed artists, came to supervise the work himself.

Su Mi came to the practice room, and after an audition, she stopped to drink water.

Wang Chang sat beside her and asked, "You got married after you gave birth?"

"Yeah." Su Mi nodded. Although there were some differences in order, it was not a big problem, and she didn't explain much.

"So fast?"

"Yeah." Su Mi continued nodding.

Wang Chang can’t accept this fact and must accept it. He said with all his heart, “But you also have to pay attention to maintaining family relationships. Things like Fengzi’s marriage will inevitably cause problems. Let Sister Cao arrange less work for you. "

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Also, take good care of your own property, and for the girl's family, you must protect your capital to settle down, you know?"

Su Mi smiled: "Okay."

Xiao Ke laughed aside: "Mr. Wang, you are not too old, why have you become so nagging?"

Wang Chang was helpless: "You want a reliable one, am I? My daughter is not so difficult to teach."

Wang Chang got married early, and his daughter was already in elementary school. Looking at Su Mi, he always made him feel like an old father. Things happened one after another, so where could he feel at ease?

Xiao Ke ran to get water, and Wang Chang turned his head to ask Su Mi, "Is your husband okay with you?"

A wealthy man is too big to be deserving, and he knows the bitterness of it.

Su Mi was about to answer when the door of the practice room was pushed open.

Wang Chang looked back and just saw Chu Zhuohang's figure appear.

As the general manager of Yaoshi Media, he had the honor to meet Chu Zhuohang once before, but he didn't say anything, but he knew that Chu Zhuohang was the wholly-owned controlling shareholder of Yaoshi Media.

Wang Chang stood up immediately, flattered and laughed: "President Chu! President Chu came to visit Yaoshi Media, right?"

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