Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3132: The best match

However, Fang Xiuwen is not without good news.

Li Qi sent a WeChat message to tell her: "I will take you to a social occasion where you can meet many successful people in the business world."

Fang Xiuwen agreed with one sigh. The advantage of being with Li Qi is that, not only can you satisfy vanity, but you can also get in touch with many circles that she could not reach at the level before, and get to know people at higher levels. More resources.

Fang Xiuwen immediately asked her agent to customize a high-end evening dress for herself, and revealed that she wanted to participate in such a dinner.

Xiuwen's response on the Internet, as she expected, is still the same as before, with the same envy. The little thing she donated to show off is not a character issue after all, and neither netizens nor fans take it to heart.

Fang Xiuwen continued to arrange his agent: "That night, I can find some media to follow up the filming. Then I will post the news of my meeting with the business leaders on the Internet and buy another hot search."

"Understand." The agent is also happy to see it happen. This is definitely the best time for the artist to achieve a qualitative leap.

In the Chu Family Manor, Chu Zhuohang also sent a custom-made evening dress pattern to the bedroom.

"Choose a set you like."

"What is this for?" Su Mi was putting down her little son, looking up at Chu Zhuohang with a smile.

"We are married, and many people have seen me. And there are many people in my circle who have not seen you. I have a dinner, and I want you to go with me."

"Is it appropriate to go?"

Chu Zhuohang smiled: "You are the wife I am marrying, and you are not suitable, so no one else is suitable."

Su Mi took it and flipped through it and said, "I don't know what kind of dinner it is?"

"Most of them are business partners, so you don't need to be too nervous."

However, this was always the first formal occasion that Su Mi attended with Chu Zhuohang, so she chose a set for a long time.

Chu Zhuohang took a serious look: "Yes, very good."

"Does that match your suit?"

"Completely complete. You will definitely be the most eye-catching one that night."

"I don't want to be the most eye-catching one, just the one that matches you best." Su Mi laughed, with stars in her eyes.

Chu Zhuohang held her hand: "Of course, you have always been."

Fang Xiuwen accompanied Li Qi to the dinner. She not only brought an agent, but also a makeup and hair artist, so that everything on the day was perfect and there was no mistake.

Li Qi admired her generous behavior, took the initiative to join hands, took her to the banquet hall, and introduced her to friends in her circle.

Fang Xiuwen also behaved very well, and also made a lot of face for Li Qi.

At the same time, Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi's car also arrived outside the banquet hall.

As soon as Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi got off the car, Mo Mo played a video over. Aunt Wang hurriedly said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my grandmother, the little master has to play the video, and I can't stop him..."

"It's okay, let me talk to him for a while." Su Mi said with a smile.

She glanced at it, and reporters appeared around, not wanting Momo to be photographed, and said to Chu Zhuohang: "I'll go to the bathroom and come over soon. You go to the lobby first."

"I go with you."

"I'm going to the women's bathroom, do you want to go too?" Su Mi blinked and asked with a little cunning.

"Cough." Chu Zhuohang coughed lightly, "I'll go to the hall first."

Su Mi nodded and went straight to the bathroom.

Some reporters discovered that Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang were coming together, and they were very surprised to inquire about each other: "What's the matter, why did Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang come together?"

"Su Mi's company is Yaoshi Media under Chu Zhuohang. Isn't it okay to appear together?"

"That's also true. Just now I was about to make a video about who Su Mi was with, who knew she was leaving."

"Forget it, wait for her to come back. Seeing that the place she went is the bathroom, we can't really follow it."

The reporters were not allowed to enter the lobby, nor were they allowed to enter the hotel, so they had to give up.

Chu Zhuohang entered the hall, and as soon as his long figure appeared, many people were attracted to look at him, and some of them had already stepped forward to say hello.

Li Qi also rushed over with Fang Xiuwen.

"President Chu, this is my girlfriend Fang Xiuwen. Xiuwen, this is President Chu of the Chu Group."

Fang Xiuwen had only seen Chu Zhuohang in the news before, but now that he saw him, he realized that he himself was more perfect than what appeared in the news.

She originally thought that Li Qi was already very good, with a handsome appearance, and no matter how handsome in the crowd, but compared with Chu Zhuohang, it was far behind.

Fang Xiuwen hurriedly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, President Chu."

Chu Zhuohang didn't stretch out his hand, and said flatly, "Hello."

Fang Xiuwen stretched out this hand, looking very abrupt, embarrassed for a moment, and withdrew his hand somewhat in a jealousy.

Chu Zhuohang has already gone far, and is greeting other people.

Li Qi said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, but I didn't tell you that Chu Zhuohang is a very clean person. He never shakes hands or has any contact with people. This has always been the case. Don't take it to heart. "

The things that Chu Zhuohang can't make contact with people's skin are seen by outsiders as a manifestation of severe hygiene, so the external rumors are also very consistent.

Fang Xiuwen felt a lot more comfortable when he heard Li Qi say this. It turned out that he was not the one deliberately hated.

"Let's go, let's walk over there again." Li Qi said.

Fang Xiuwen followed. She carefully observed Chu Zhuohang and found that things were exactly as Li Qi said. Chu Zhuohang didn't shake hands with anyone, and they were all very far away, and there was no contact during the whole process.

After Fang Xiuwen walked around, Li Qi was called away by an elder, so she had to go to the side to rest and wait.

As soon as she walked to a place with few people, she saw an investor who she knew before walking towards herself.

She hurriedly smiled and said, "Zhang Dong."

This Zhang Dong is a well-known investor in the circle. He has invested in the shooting of many blockbuster films before. Many artists are eager for him. Fang Xiuwen is no exception. Fang Xiuwen wanted to use soy sauce in the movies he invested in the past to improve it. Popularity, but at that time Dong Zhang didn't pay attention to her at all.

When Zhang Dong heard her call to stop him, he showed a slight smile, reached out his hand and touched the top of his head, which had few hairs, and said with a smile: "It's Xiuwen."

"Yes, it's me. I came here with Li Qi."

"This boyfriend you are looking for is not bad." Zhang Dong said flatly.

Fang Xiuwen knew clearly that the reason why Zhang Dong's attitude toward him changed drastically was entirely for Li Qi's sake.

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