Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3135: Disgusting

Su Mi smiled and said, "But I want to protect my throat and don't drink much. So this glass of wine can't be drunk, can it?"

"Of course you can! Of course you can!" Fang Xiuwen said immediately, and she was anxious that Su Mi would not drink it.

"But not drinking it again disappointed your expectations. You can drink this glass of wine instead of me."

After Su Mi finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and handed out the wine.

Fang Xiuwen didn't hesitate, and raised a glass of wine.

When Li Qi saw his girlfriend want to drink this glass of wine, the gentleman could not help but **** it up and said, "I'll drink it."

Fang Xiuwen watched him **** the cup, nothing could be done.

He drank it all in one fell swoop.

However, after drinking, he immediately discovered the problem, there was something in the wine.

Usually Fang Xiuwen and him would use some drugs to add to the fun, so he was very familiar with the taste, and after a sip, he knew that Fang Xiuwen had given the drugs inside.

The expression he looked at Fang Xiuwen immediately changed. Fang Xiuwen would give Su Mi a medicine? why?

As for Li Qi, who had finished drinking, his face turned red with the naked eye, and his breathing was a bit heavy.

Everyone knows that Li Qi has a good amount of alcohol, and he has always been unable to drink. Now he has drunk this wine, but there is such a change, obviously something is in the wine.

No wonder Su Mi refused to drink it just now.

Speaking of which, Fang Xiuwen added the contents?

Everyone looked at Fang Xiuwen's eyes, and they all became weird.

Chu Zhuohang's eyes deepened immediately, and the aura all over his body became cold, and he looked at Fang Xiuwen's gaze coldly and stingingly.

Su Mi smiled slightly and said, "In this case, we shouldn’t hurt our harmony because of the fans’ words. But Xiuwen, you just said that you want to introduce me to an investor. I can’t accept it. After all, my focus is now. They are all about singing, and have no plans to enter the film world."

When everyone heard Su Mi’s words, they were all people who came over. They immediately thought of Fang Xiuwen’s purpose for doing this series of things. She first prescribed Su Mi’s medicine and then introduced her to an investor. This is not typical of selling her to Investor?

"Please tell Zhang Dong, I can only let him down." Su Mi continued.

When everyone heard the two words Zhang Dong, it was even more clear. Zhang Dong's name is outside. He likes to exchange money for little girls. Of course, if someone is willing to fight and suffer others, it is not easy to say anything, but Fang Xiuwen, this is a celebrity who wants to set Su Mi!

This is too vicious!

"How can Fang Xiuwen treat Su Mi like this? People sing and have to introduce them to investors in the film industry?"

"What is Li Qi's vision? Did the girlfriend he found come from the garbage dump? He did such a shameful thing!"

"I think Fang Xiuwen and Li Qi are going to be cold!"

"And that Zhang Dong is also true, I don't know how to inquire, anyone really dares to dive!"

When Li Qi heard these words, he knew everything in his heart. He originally thought Fang Xiuwen was different from other vanity-loving girls, so he brought her into such a girl who was supposed to be recognized by the family to come. On occasions, who knew what she did was really disgusting and disgusting.

His face was ugly to the extreme, and he had to endure the torment caused by the drug, suppressed himself, and said to Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi: "Chu Zhuohang, Miss Su, I apologize to you, but I shouldn't just bring people to the banquet. , Come up with such a mess. Please forgive me!"

Fang Xiuwen was already a little frightened. She really did not expect that Su Mi would be such an identity. She originally thought that by using Su Mi, she could not only step on her, but also get Zhang Dong's favor. I thought that things could be so bad.

"Chu, I was wrong, I was really wrong... No, no, it's not me, I didn't..." Fang Xiuwen recovered and apologized immediately.

Chu Zhuohang's eyes were very cold, and Li Qi had already sensed it. He was on the verge of an outbreak and immediately let his bodyguard over and said, "Throw her out. Can't let her show up!"

He was so angry that something that was not on the stage would not only be hated by Chu Zhuohang, but also in the entire Jingyuan, his face would be wiped out and be used as a reference point!

He really regretted that he refused to listen to the advice of his parents and insisted on staying with Fang Xiuwen, even the family would be ashamed.

Li Qi's handling was fairly quick and fast, Fang Xiuwen had already been thrown out, and Chu Zhuohang couldn't deal with it any more.

He looked down at Su Mi, Su Mi smiled, and was not affected by this incident at all. Chu Zhuohang was relieved, and the hostility on his body disappeared.

And Zhang Dong, who was upstairs, waited left and right and didn't wait for anyone to come over. He also came downstairs at this moment.

He heard the whole story halfway through, and heard that Su Mi turned out to be Chu Zhuohang’s wife. He was so frightened that he almost ran the last race at a sprint speed of 100 meters and went directly to Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi’s. Around.

Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi were about to leave, but they didn't expect another person to come.

Zhang Dong gasped crudely and said, "Mr. Chu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Fang Xiuwen said to help me introduce a female artist, I didn't expect it to be your wife. I was really blind and I believed her nonsense. I'm really sorry! I knew this was the case, and gave me a hundred courage, but I didn't dare!"

Everyone was originally disgusted by the inferior methods of the other side Xiuwen, Zhang Dong's explanation made it even more disgusting with her.

Li Qi was already shameless enough, now he adds another shameless face, wishing to hide his face and leave.

Zhang Dong was quickly driven away.

Chu Zhuohang took Su Mi by the hand and introduced her to the partners he had made with him.

Everyone noticed that when Chu Zhuohang spoke, he would turn his head to look at Su Mi very seriously, and his affection was beyond words.

Seeing the ten fingers of the two closely intertwined, he knew where Chu Zhuohang couldn't contact people, he clearly didn't want to contact people other than Su Mi.

There are many reporters guarding outside the door, most of them arranged by Fang Xiuwen.

Originally, they came to film the news about Fang Xiuwen's smooth entry into the wealthy. Who knows that they didn't take it at all, but they captured the scene of Fang Xiuwen being thrown out of the dinner party and hiding his face and crying.

The reporters looked at each other. What rhythm is this?

Because they knew that Su Mi was also there, the reporters waited a little longer. When the dinner was over, they looked at the scene in front of them, unbelievable—Chu Zhuohang took Su Mi’s hand and walked out together. The gesture is intimate.

All of a sudden, the "click" sounded endlessly, and the reporters quickly recorded the scene before them.

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